Uncle Ben's WRITE 686 - Feb/18/ AA 2010 South Wartzor



I often criticize churches for preaching ungodly messages.

Luther wrote many weird things...

But I rarely criticize people, that is dangerous. Why is it dangerous? Because you can't base criticism on what you read about people (second opinions), you need to know them in person to do that, and besides only God is qualified to be their judge!

However if they have put their ideas in writing like Martin Luther, you can easily tell that they have had many screws loose. His views on the Jews were even used by the Nazis from 1933 to 1945 (WWII)...

When we judge others,

we will in turn be judged just as harshly.

Painting © Benjamin Antell

Since we can't distance ourselves from our own selves completely, we don't see our own flaws from the same perspective as others, nor God for that matter. Watch out!

Most people actually tend to think that they are good, I guess were all something of legends in our own minds.

Many preachers are being criticized

simply for being blessed financially!

© Benjamin Antell

I know that some corrupt preachers manipulate people in different ways for money (God will judge them). But in other cases, is it really so strange if some    evangelists become rich when they are blessed by God and millions of people come to listen to them? Just think about it. I believe that we will all one day need to give an account, for every cent that we have spent - or received – during our lifetime! It's easy to lose perspective if you have millions of dollars coming in all the time. These preachers need our prayers, so that they don't fall for temptations! Personally I have never asked for a collection, God takes care of me. What a congregation chooses to do is entirely up to them.

Most people think that it's easy to be rich, but it's not!

© Benjamin Antell

I do admit that it can be practical for some people, but most people can't handle money. Money holds a weird power over most people. Those who are poor think that they will become happy if they get rich, and most rich folk are miserable, because they know that money can't buy happiness, nor love!

I think most preachers use their income for GOOD!

Many feed the poor and help the needy in both material and spiritual needs. Naturally there are a few bad apples out there, but I'm concentrating on those that do good, and they are many. I'm NOT saying that people can't live in luxury either!It may well be the case that God is also blessing some people this way, just as He blessed Job! They guy was filthy rich, but a nice man! God gave satan the right to test Job, but since Job stood the test, God made him even more rich! That is why I would never condemn a man for living in luxury. It may well be God's will (for some). On D-day you can't point your finger and say "look what he did", because that has NOTHING to do with YOU! Every single soul on our planet will one day stand before the Lord and have to give an account for his own, individual life! The way you live your life is between God and yourself. Good preachers do charity work in the dark, because they have no need to be seen by people!

© Benjamin Antell

They don't want your praise, they prefere to be blessed by the Father instead! The Bible tells us to give in secret! Many want to be seen and thereby lose their blessing. God can't use people who want to be seen, at least not on a deeper level.You need to be humble if you want to be used by the Lord. We are to give Him the Glory!

We can't do anything in ourselves,

we either do the will of God or the will of the devil.

Casey on the porch © Benjamin Antell

The devil can perform miracles as well, he can do many things. That is why people tend to believe in all kinds of religions, because evil spirits actually pretend to be God. The old dragon (satan) is however only a copycat who tries to duplicate most of the things that he sees God do. He is always up to no good, because he is pure evil. He will also do seemingly nice things, but is agenda is always as crooked as a Volvo tail pipe.

Many choose to follow the devil because he is mostly quick to respond when ignorant people call on him.

Pencil drawing:

What did you expect, stupid? © Benjamin Antell

Many like to become witches or warlocks, because the devil “seemingly” requires nothing of them. Naturally the devil also requires sacrifices, but they come later, as all bad news tend to do... In this case they come much like a Venus Fly Trap. On the other hand, to catch God's attention we need to be serious! The Father doesn't want shallow people, they are of no use to Him. We do not need to be perfect in any way, but we do need to be dead serious if we want to be used by the Lord. To follow the evil one, you can be a lazy slob full of yourself, fleshly desires and nothing else. To follow God you need to put everything on the line, even your own life! There is no wobbling about (like Bambi on ice) when you work for the Lord.


Uncle Ben's WRITE 685 - Feb/14/ AA 2010

South Wartzor



Man it's fun to pray for people and watch Father do His thing in them!

With this baby I can produce lot's of juice, when I find my shovel © Benjamin Antell

Yesterday I just prayed for a bunch of finnish speaking Finns, they take God seriously! One of them wondered if I had problems with my back, because i jump around a lot. I told him "no, it's spiritual”. So I got to pray with him, his brother and a third gentleman. The anointing was strong, we were all touched. I think perhaps two of them got healed as I prayed. I'll find out the next time, if I see them again. God often heals people I pray for, the following day. Go figure. A ladys leg grew out during prayer, she was truly amazed.

Man it's cold here even my old car is freezing!

© Benjamin Antell

I'm blessed to be saved by Jesus Christ, because it makes me feel warm all over. I get to pray for people almost every day!

I wish we had REAL church music in this country, like they do in the black churches in the US of A. Everything here is in slow motion, and Finnish musik sounds depressing to me.


Uncle Ben's WRITE 684

- Feb/13/ AA 2010 South Wartzor



Today my youngest son asked me

"Dad, why can't you be like normal people?"

He doesn't like the fact that I want to know what's going on. It's too scary for many I know, but I want to know what's happening, so that I'm ready when it all goes down.

Subliminal Programming.

Most people haven't got a clue that they are daily being subliminally programmed every time they watch the News, a movie or a television series! They just sit there being fed junk that will eventually destroy them. It's very sad. Even I have subliminally programmed people earlier in my career in advertising, sorry!

© Benjamin Antell

I worked in advertising for decades and tricked people into buying different products. I can double the sales of just about any viable product on the market. I've done it time and time again. That's one of the reasons why I stopped, because I hated my job, which I was pushed into by my parents and others. They probably meant well. Most parents think about making money, they say “it makes the world go round”, silly really. The love of money is detrimental.

Casting spells all over the world.

The people who own Hollywood and the recording business are doing exactly the same thing, only their agenda is purely evil. Naturally they are also after your money. Evil and money always goes hand in hand.

The 80’s

Ben Antell Band live.

I don't listen to worldly music any more and I'm very careful as to what movies I rarely watch. It's all just too revolting to me. I don't read bad books either (like novels, thrillers etc.).

Before you become a Christian, it's important

that you count the cost, because it is not for everybody.

© Benjamin Antell

Of course God wants to save everybody, but being a true believer is not the easiest road to take. To become Christians, or followers of Jesus, we have to change the way we liveif we really believe. We can't go on sinning like before. God has given us a manual to live by, it's called the Bible. It is God's word, penned by spiritually inspired men, dictated by God. We must be alert so that we don't fool ourselves! I always pray to God to watch over me, and correct me when I'm wrong. It's so easy to do the wrong thing, thinking that it doesn't really matter since God is loving and forgiving. God is loving and kind, but He is also demanding. He wants us to be honest and true in everything that we do. We can't live one way on Sundays or Saturdays (Sabbath) in church, and another way during the rest of the week. There has to be consistency in what we say, do and how we live. God does not like hypocrites. God wants all or nothing, our undivided attention!

Are you REALLY ready to leave everything and follow Jesus, just like the apostles did? That's what He wants of us! He wants our hearts 100%, if our love is divided between Jesus and other things, we can't serve God to our full potential. That is just a fact of life. I am on constant stand-by 24 hours of the day, in case Holy Spirit wants me to do something or go somewhere! We have to be ready just like fire men are, but in reverse. We are supposed to light the fires of God, not put them out like religion does.

Religion is a misused word.

My faith has nothing to do with religion, since I don't need faith to believe on Him. I have met Jesus, so I don't need any faith to believe in Him. I know that He is real and alive. I have also met the Father and Holy Spirit, since I know that they too are real I don't need any “faith” to believe that they exist!

If you are only religious and don't know God, you will need loads of faith to believe in Him (if you havent met him)    or in your personal philosophy for that matter (if you have one, most people don’t). Some claim to think for themselves, but they really don’t, they always seem to cling to someones teachings. – I would NOT call that    thinking for one self!

The amount of nonsense in Science books

on Evolution is unbelievable!

© Benjamin Antell

Just a few weird things. T. Rex the dinosaur is said to have been a fierce creature even though it has the teeth of a vegetarian! It was a slow animal, very big and clumsy with small arms that would have caused problems had he fallen over. His teeth are said to be shark like, but they are not. It's teeth could not cut meat that's for sure. It's teeth show very little wear. The most interesting thing about T. Rex is that it has NEVER existed in real life. Scientists now know that the bones were put together all wrong, and some bones were from other types of dinosaurs! Some atheists still lie and try to make is unawares of the BLUNDER! T-Rex is a FAKE!


The blatant lies are amazing. By the way, they have found soft tissue inside petrified bones of the T. Rex making him only thousands of years old! There goes the – 60 or so million year theory – out the window... The blood cells found within the bone can't survive more that thousands of years, it's just not possible.

Link: Los Angeles Times.

Latest investigations have led scientists to believe that the T. Rex (which never existed) is related to birds. That would explain the vegetarian aspect (it’s teeth). But let's face it, science knows very little. I bet God is laughing his head off (or cying) listening to all the nonsense!



Uncle Ben's (aka Thalonen's) WRITE 683

- Feb/11/ AA 2010 South Wartzor



News Daily:

© Benjamin Antell

Fashion world's provocateur McQueen dead at 40

Another one killed himself for nothing. Many are so preoccupied with their daily nonsense, that very few see the BIG PICTURE!

© Benjamin Antell

Most people will die in their sins and go to Hell, even the "so called" Christian ones. Very few Christians actually know God. They just go to church once a week, and live their own egoistic lives for the rest of the week. Nobody becomes a Christian just by attending church. No more than a man becomes a hamburger, just by sitting in a restaurant.

Nobody is saved through religious worthless rituals,

like infant baptism or confirmation!

© Benjamin Antell

Some people even delude themselves into thinking that they deserve to go to Heaven. Nobody deserves to go to Heaven. The few that go, get there just because they have received eternal life from Jesus! It has nothing to do with "how many times" they have gone to church, or how kind they have been to others.

We can do NOTHING to deserve Heaven.

© Benjamin Antell

Heaven is a gift only, a present from Jesus to us. Every single dodger on our planet can go to heaven through what Jesus did on the cross, when He died in our place, for our sins. – Gotta go pray for people in town now, later dudes.


Uncle Ben's (aka thalonen's) WRITE 681

- Feb/04/ AA 2010 South Wartzor


Word for today:

If somebody refuses to forgive you,

then the problem is theirs, not yours!

A Catholic told me to Google up idol, because I had said that any saint or person you pray to, you automatically turns into an idol. We are to worship God alone.

Stockholm © Benjamin Antell

Naturally I don't have anything against anyone, but I do detest all religions. Because I believe that God hates all religions because satan invented them to keep us in bondage. God wants us to know him! Religious rituals will get you nowhere, try Jesus Christ instead, he is the only one that can open the door to the Father.

We can’t Google our way to Heaven

I just ask Holy Spirit what I need to know. He will tell any born again Christian what to do in life. I did drop all my personal interests etc. before Holy Spirit began using me "more". I was a tad afraid to let go completely... First I told God: "use me in any way you see fit, but...". As soon as I dropped the "but" part, God began using me to a greater extent. I did also ask Him to kick me where the sun don’t shine – if needed – anything to wake me up. I have never been more content in my entire life. I dearly recommend Holy Spirit to anybody with a longing for more!

oooooooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo

Uncle Ben's WRITE 680 - Feb/03/ AA 2010 South Wartzor



Why do so many people waste their lives on theories, when they could actually get to know God closely?

Video: Flowers in my hair

When I surf on youtube I meet loads of people sharing theories about God. Most of them have no idea who He actually is, nor do they know who Jesus is and what His mission was about. They do not know Holy Spirit, and they have no idea that He is a person who could change their lives completely!

Since I'm not a Catholic, many automatically assume

that I'm a Protestant.

I don’t subscribe to any religion, I just follow Jesus Christ.

Today's hairdo

I'm just a follower of Christ, a Christian if you need to label me. There are no denominations in the eyes of the Lord, only Christians (the body of Christ) and Anti-Christians. Naturally only a small percentage of all those who call themselves Christians are true Christians who actually know God. This is very unfortunate, because the unspiritual fakes cause division! They only have their faith as a collective religion, which means nothing to God, and they will all go straight to Hell when they die.

Good deeds by themselves will not save NObody!

Good deeds that we do in the flesh so to speak, will not save us, since Salvation is a free gift. If we repent from our sin, and ask Christ into our lives, then Holy Spirit will tell us what to do, those deeds will be taken into account when we die. They will not save us, but we will be blessed if we have been obedient to Holy Spirit.

Anti-christ's are ALL those who deny

that Jesus is the Son of God.

All religions are from Hell, God never intended for us to have religions.

Revelation 9:20-21 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

I believe in God's Word, if he tells me that it's wrong to worship idols, then I will never worship Mary, the Pope or any man or woman. Nor will I bow down to any image on Earth.

Martin Luther was only a man just like John Wayne,

he only wore a different hat...or was it a slipper?

John Wayne actually received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior before he died. I heard his daughter tell the story in Schuller's weird Crystal Cathedral in L. A. once. I sure hope the glass in that church building is recycled.


I doubt very much that Martin Luther is held in high regard in the third Heaven...because He made so many serious mistakes, Naturally God will forgive all those who ask forgiveness for their sins, God is actually required to do so, since he is a just judge and Jesus holds the key's to Hell and death. However we do not know what Luther asked forgiveness for. We do know that he was an antisemit, which means that he cursed the Jews. He is also said to have worshipped an idol (Mary) in a public sermon in August 1516. If so these are serious no-no's.

God says in His Word that those who curse Israel, will be cursed by Him, and those that bless Israel will be blessed by Him!

Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

So we must be careful not to condemn people, God will examine us from points we know nothing about.

James 5:9 Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.

God warns us not to pray to idols!

Cursed Masonic triangle above door © Benjamin Antell

Mary was just a woman and now she is dead. Dead people have no power to do anything! Jesus never called Mary His mother, because He did NOT want us to worship her!

John 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman (Mary),

what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.

Mark 3:35 For whosoever shall do the will of God,

the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

The pope is also just a man, he goes to the toilet like everybody else, so do the "so called" saints.

Sixten's toilet in Tokyo © Benjamin Antell

We are only supposed to worship the Father, Jesus

and Holy Spirit. The angels of God are only messengers.

1Cr 6:3 Know ye not that we (those who believe in Jesus) shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

Naturally I do not know the present Pope personally, but I doubt that the Pope is a true follower of Christ. The Vatican is only a religious institution, I doubt very much that God has any room within their organization. Naturally there are also true Christians within that church, as there are in all churches, but the theology of the Catholic church is ungodly and unbiblical. Compare it with the New Testament of Jesus Christ, if you doubt my words. Pope John Paul is said to have flogged himself as penance, which is a weird thing to do. Those who know Jesus would never do a silly thing like that! Jesus was flogged once and for all, for our sins. So there is no need for us to maim ourselves like the Heathen do. Nor should we pray Ave Maria's and other ungodly prayers to simple people.

Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

God wants us to know him.

© Marléne Antell

Jesus made that possible, by dying for our sins. Holy Spirit will come and help anybody who wants to get to know God better until Jesus returns. By the way, Mary is dead, she can't answer any prayers, nor was she ever meant to do so. This is nonsense cooked up by religious heathen. I think those who have died as followers of Christ, are in Paradise. The Bible does not say that they are in heaven. Those who have died without knowing Christ, are in Hell awaiting their final doom, while som sleep. Holy Spirit (our Helper) will come to all that ask for His help, if they do know Jesus personally. He is with me every single day. I can feel His presence physically as He nudges me, many times every single day.

Holy Spirit brings joy!

Vineyard, Stockholm © Benjamin Antell

Sometimes I feel like He's is joking with me, when He sometimes puts me in ridiculous situations and makes me bounce around like an idiot. But hey, I'm not complaining, I'm on for the ride wherever He takes me.


oooooooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo

Uncle Ben's WRITE 679 - Feb/01/ AA 2010 South Wartzor



The same Spirit that lived in Jesus, lives in you

(if you are a born again Christian).

Oil painting © Benjamin Antell

That's why miracles happen when we pray for people in Jesus' name. The oil painting (from the 70's) is of my wife. When she was young and nervous because of an exam, she prayed to Jesus to help her, and He actually showed up at the foot of her bed. The exam went like a breeze.


PS, I sometimes highlight words in the scriptures that I quote. Always check your own Bible to confirm God's word!

Ben and Kari (Ben Antell Band), live in 1982.