A Work in Progress



What's this? A weblog without a comments section? How do you then tell me how much I suck? Read to the end and you'll find out...
This isn't "my" webpage per se, as it is hosted on the Antell.com server. I did have my own page once, a long time ago when rivers flowed with honey and Apple gave away .Mac accounts with webspace for free. I'm guessing there's some natural progression in the quality as you move from one web page to another, so let's hope this is better than the previous one. I guess the proper way to begin the website-thing is to first have a page on your family's webspace hosted by your ISP, a small page with HTML generated by MS Word or something. This would be the equivalent of living with your parents. You then move out and rent a place of your own, like a Geocities account, complete with obscenely large background graphics, animated gifs and bad HTML code that puts black text on black background. And finally, if you work hard, and you're good at it, you might even get your own www.domain.com, which would be like getting a wife, buying a house and having 2.5 children. I guess my current status would then be crashing at a friends place after a drunken night out and not leaving the following day...
What's this about then? Well, it should be about games, as I am familiar with a certain game developer. But I make no promises; the content will be whatever I feel like writing about. I'll try to focus on games and gaming in general, but don't be surprised if you see me talking about women, booze, studies or life in general. You have been warned. I mentioned studies. (This is the part where I talk about myself to some degree, so if you don't feel like reading the life story of another random loser with webspace you can skip to the end where you'll find my e-mail so you can start bitching.) I am currently studying at the University of Vaasa, majoring in the Swedish language. My main interest is writing and as most other writers I'm just biding my time, preparing to write the next great novel that will astound and amaze future generations.

I'm old enough to have had a NES when I was younger, but not old enough to remember when the Berlin wall fell (that's vague enough isn't it?). I enjoy playing games, but I am very specific about what games. I also like music and movies like every other person, and like every other person my taste in music is "a little of everything". I enjoy going out clubbing once in a while and doing the drinking and dancing thing. I'm also a Japan-freak, which means I'm especially interested in Japanese movies (Kitano and Kurosawa, mainly), music and culture. Curiously enough, I've never gotten the hang of Japanese food, as I'm very reluctant to try anything new/different/exotic food-wise. I'd like to learn the Japanese language, but don't know if I ever will. I'm very neurotic, insecure and with a general feeling that my life is going down the toilet (much like everybody else). I have a low self-esteem and I can have difficulties communicating properly. So if you think I said something and meant it as an insult to you, it's probably just a case of miss-communication...

Well, I think you've suffered enough, here's my e-mail: jacob_aberg_747@yahoo.com
