Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 519- October/ 27/ 2008 South Wartzor
Peace, I've been chucking out spirits etc, so I wasn't able to write for a few days.
Ben the terminator of religion. I had no idea that the Lord would want to use me as much as he has done these last years. I love to do His will, bring it on Father. Even though I get do do lots of boring stuff, I still get a kick out of it, since He is behind it all. I don't really care what He tells me to do, I just obey. I used to be very shy.
One evening at church I asked the Lord to remove my shyness, and He did. It was hard for me to witness to crowds, except on stage, but I was nervous. Now it's fun, because the Lord gave me a different perspective on things. There's not a whole lot of diversity in Christian music, here in Europe. I don't have much to listen to. I like many styles, but everything seems to be in the Hillsong/U2 tradition. I don't get to listen to music much any more.
I'm sure there's lots of cool music out there somewhere, that I'll never know of... The stuff they sing at church is very boring musically. But praise and worship works live, if everybody sings from the heart. The style doesn't really matter, it's the Spirit/anointing that counts. The Holy Spirit fills the room as soon as we really sing from the inside of us. Then the fun part starts. The church that I go to at the moment is slightly different than other churches. Sometimes the Holy Spirit comes very early in the meeting, and then we change the meeting to accommodate Him. We let Him take over. That's why I love going to Kvevlax Missionskyrka every wednesday at seven, whenever I'm able. If I lived in the states, I would probably visit church every day. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 518- October/ 21/ 2008 South Wartzor
When I stayed at Unanderra Hostel, near Port Kembla, NSW in Australia as a kid, a guy came riding with a huge axe in one hand, and chopped the head off a big Black Snake "thump". It was a pretty jet black snake with a bright red-orange belly. Why am I telling you this, I dunno, but it was a weird experience. The Black Snake was the first snake I had ever held in my hands, headless just like the devil...actually the devil does have a head, for now. But he is fang less to us Christians, because Jesus defeated him, when He rose from the dead. So now the devil can only try to chomp at us with his gums.
I seem to irritate a lot of people here in Finland (as well) now. Finland is crowded with atheists, and when you proclaim the Good News and salvation through Christ, many get angry. Not even all Christians believe in God as powerful any more. Why should they, they don't spend any time with Him, and they have no idea that the Holy Spirit is like a person. People sit at home drinking their beer of Fanta in front of the house altar (TV), and burp and fart. Nobody cares about he suffering ones, "give 'em some pills, so that they shut up", is what doctors seem to think most of the time. Man what a sorry mess we have created for ourselves.
Flying with the Orbs © Benjamin Antell
Still Jesus is standing with His arms outstretched, ready to receive anybody who wants to know Him. God is ready to forgive us 70 times per day or more (if need be). We can all be set free from whatever bugs us. I'm sure glad that God reeled me in, I was a very boisterous beast...and stupid. God must love us something fierce, to want to save us, from our self destructiveness. Some of my friends are angry at God for not helping them. I don't think it's natural to expect help, if you just live for your own lusts. I have noticed that you receive, when you give. If we help others we receive great blessings ourselves. How can God bless those in need, if we don't heed God's call and help them?
Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 517- October/ 20/ 2008 South Wartzor
Before I met God, I was – like many – interested in the Paranormal.
Benjamin Antell
Since meeting Good, I've lost all interest in the occult (paranormal is the same thing, it's all rubbish), because now I know that satan is the author of it.
Deu 18:10-12 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.
When I met the Holy Spirit, it felt like a light bulb went on in my head, for the first time. It really felt like I'd been walking in utter darkness until that second. Now I see two dimensions, the worldly one and the supernatural. I prefer to stay in God's supernatural flow, most of the time, Earth is too boring for me now. My spirit is already in Heaven, but my body has to lug around down here, until God decides that my time is up.
Mar 1:8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
Casting out evil spirits, is a part of my daily life as a Christian.
It's nothing to get excited about, it's just a part of life. Some demons whimper and beg, others try to sound truly evil and frightful, they all lie, just like their master. The weakest ones will often say that they are “mighty”, some even call themselves lucifer, or satan. I just throw them out in the name of Jesus.
Luk 10:20 "Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
Spirits have to leave because all born again Christians have authority over them in Jesus name. Most of them leave pretty quick, I don't get into conversations with them, I just tell them to shut up and leave in Jesus name, and that is what they do. Some of them try to hide, but God sometimes shows the hiding ones to me, so hiding doesn't always work. They kinda just sit there, holding their breath...then I command them by name (the spirits are compelled to tell me their names) and then they often seem surprised and bolt out of the person I'm praying for.
Mat 10:1 And he (Jesus) called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.
Mat 10:8 "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.
The evil one has myriads of little helpers, spirits, demons or ghosts if you will.
I just returned from a paranormal site, it's sad to see how the spirits fool people all the time. One of their main goals is to keep us occupied with nonsense, so that we don't find God. If you think about it, what is so exciting about a spirit nudging a table, or some other piece of furniture? I think it's silly. Channeling = spirits fooling people. They can fool those who do not know God, since the spirits know everything about the past. What is so exciting about a person falling into trance telling fairy tales? Sure they sound true, since the spirits know everything about non Christians, but it's just utter nonsense. The reason why the spirits don't know everything about Christians, is that God has given us a heavenly language that the evil ones don't understand. I speak in tongues a lot when I pray, because that kind of prayer is very powerful in the heavenlies. The spirits hate everybody, they are manipulating bastards, so they fool some people into thinking that they are nice. I "had" an old friend (actually I've had many) who has problems with spirits. He is very manipulative, and hence has many "friends". Once when I wrote some lyrics for him, one song had one reference to the Bible (sword of the Spirit), and immediately a spirit manifested through him and told me to remove that part of the lyrics. After this I have not worked with they guy and I never will.
Eph 6:17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
I detest evil spirits, they belong in Hell, Hell was made only for them and the devil originally. Others who end up there, are those who haven't received Christ. Nothing unclean can ever enter Heaven, all who don't know and abide in Christ are unfit for Heaven. That is why it's so important to receive Christ.
Psa 145:18 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Past life experiences.
Anders Antell
Same thing here, the spirits come up with lies about your past. We only live one time on Earth, there are no "past lives". The spirits can make you think the past lives are real, because they know what makes you tick. They are only keeping you occupied with rubbish, in hopes that you will never find God. Spiritism in different forms is designed by satan. The idea behind spiritism, is the same as the above. The evil spirits will do all they can to catch your interest. They are many times very convincing, they have been doing this for thousands of years...
Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 516- October/ 19/ 2008 South Wartzor
Peace, Being a Christian is really fulfilling, I love it. I don't care if the going gets rough at times, that's all a part of life down here on Earth. I spend as much time as possible in the spiritual dimension, but as all others, I have to wade in the ditch with one leg while the other one is in Heaven
1400 Christian families had to flee from their homes in Iraq! In India Christians are still being killed, and their homes destroyed. I believe that we will see much more violence against Christians in the world yet. God is doing many miracles in the world, and the devil is scared, because he knows that the clock is ticking, and that means that his time will soon be up. Not many realize that we are in a constant spiritual battle:
Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
We need to pray for our countries daily! There is tremendous power in prayer, it is stupid not to use it. We can never know when disaster will knock on our doors. The devil has hoards of helpers all over the world, since he himself can only be in one place at the time. As Christians we have power over these demons in Jesus name. I wish more Christians would understand this!
A Christian can be a major pain in the devils hinder parts. "Prayer can move mountains", does not mean mountains per se, but problems. The devil is our biggest problem, not because he is powerful, but because he is such an evil busybody.
A fun way to harass the evil ones is to sing songs of Praise. The spirits hate praise music, they really do. That's why spirits often manifest in church, when they do, they should be thrown out immediately.
I don't believe that there are "crazy" people.
I believe that they have problems with spirits. I've seen people being set free from all kinds of sickness and weirdness. I pray with people on a weekly basis, many times 1-5 days per week. When the opressing spirits leave, so do drug addiction, bad temper, depression, foul language etc. People who were unable to function in society, get their skills back and become economically viable again. I love to see what my heavenly Father does in peoples lives.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 515 - October/ 18/ 2008 South Wartzor
Peace, You can be a dirty rat and, still get saved!
That's how it works, Heaven is open to every single soul that receives Christ as his/her Lord. Did you know that you can be righteous in the eyes of God?
Getting saved has nothing to do with our abilities. We can be rotten to the core, and still be saved. If Hitler had asked God's forgiveness, He would have been forgiven! So would Stalin, Martin Luther, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Kim Jong-il, Ferdinand Marcos, Nicolae Ceausescu, Saparmurat Niyazov, Idi Amin, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Saddam Hussein, Mobutu Sese Soku, Suharto, Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini have be/have been.
People often tend to think, that one person is better than the other, but this is not true. All the evil people of the world, have the same possibility of getting saved, as you and I. Nobody is better than the other. We are all saved only because of the Grace of God. Nobody on planet Earth is WORTHY of getting saved, not one. The Pope is no more holy than an X jail bird. He isn't! When are people going to understand that? Not all Popes have been Christians, I don't even know for sure that any one of them has actually been saved. Just becoming a Pope or some kind of priest won't save a anybody, you have to believe in, and follow Jesus to become saved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 514 - October/ 14/ 2008 South Wartzor
Peace, Sometimes we try to steal God's Glory. We do it in many ways. Sometimes we are eager to tell people that "we" came up with this and that idea, even though it's from the Holy Spirit. I don't think that many people think about it from that perspective. We are really not that important, even though God wants to use us. He uses us because He loves us, and wants us to feel a part of the BIG PICTURE.
photo © Benjamin Antell
Sometimes we need to put the preacher on the plane, if he comes in his own name. Sometimes we need to put the preacher on the plane, if he comes for his own fame. Give God the Glory, give Honor where Honor is due. Give God the Glory, show the world who is Who.
Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 512 - October/ 10/ 2008 South Wartzor
Peace, God has saved my life many times. When I lived in Australia, I didn't understand to be afraid of snakes, so I caught all but two of the ones I saw. One was just to ridiculously long, didn't know how to carry it, and the other one that I caught with help was hurt and angry. I just ran after them and grabbed them by the neck, after all they always tried to "run away", like the knights in the Quest of the Holy Grail, by Monty Python.
Hit and run © Benjamin Antell
Another time the Lord saved me was in Bilboa, Panama way back in 1967. Dad and I were heading in to some slums, he wanted to take photos where others didn't. There was a shout behind us "Sir, don't go in there, they kill you for sure!", I turned around and there was an officer of the law, in a green uniform. He told us that we would surely be robbed and killed if we went into the slum. Dad decided to go the other way, after thanking the officer 888 times. I've been held up at knife point in Helsinki, and Los Angeles. I was shot once, and I have almost drowned in Australia. When I was a kid, I loved to dive without gear. One day when I was trying to salvage a sunken boat, I noticed that it was easier to dive down without air in my lungs. I exhaled and dove to about 4 meters, everything went fine, until I started the climb. Boy, was that rough going. Just when I thought I would pass out of lack of air, I still had a meter or more to go. It was surely a close call, now I always inhale before I dive in the bath tub.
Another time I crashed my MZ250 bike into Kriminaali konstaappeli (detective) Heino Jurva, from Vartioturva, in his green Javelin SS. I had nowhere else to go, he stopped in the middle of the street and WHAM! I was very lucky, if I'd been without a helmet I'd be pushing up Thistles today. These are just a few reasons why I try to wake as many people as possible spiritually. You never know when your time is up. You could die today! I urge you to try God before it's too late, after all it's dead easy, all it takes is repentance and an honest prayer, to get the ball rolling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 511 - October/ 09/ 2008 South Wartzor
Peace, Keep pointing...
The evil one keeps coming with his rubbish day by day, as Christians we only have to do one thing: point to the door. The devil has no right to mess with us. Why? Because we are made righteous – as a gift – the second we repent and receive Christ. There is nothing we can earn, we are saved by grace and grace alone. As God is, so we become, new creatures! Check this out:
I John 4:17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
Or New International version: I John 4:17 In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him.
It's funny how we often read these things without the penny dropping. I once had speaks with a woman, who told me that she had received gifts of the spirit. I asked her why she wasn't using them. Her reply was, that she felt that she had to become a "better" person first, by not smoking etc. That is a very secular way of thinking, she's got it all wrong. There is nothing we can do to become more holy or better, we are made righteous the second we receive Christ into our lives. We are like Him, the second we receive His Grace! In other words, we can do everything Jesus did, the second after we have received Him and the Holy Spirit.
How do we receive the Holy Spirit? Any born again Christian can pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit. We all experience Him differently. Some receive Him in remarkable ways, others receive Him without barely noticing anything. After this, He will urge us to pray for others etc. Some of us have to concentrate to hear Him, others just live in the flow of the anointing. The more we give of ourselves, the quicker we will get to know the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit we can do all the things that Jesus did and more. So what? if some people don't get healed, move to the next one, just keep going.
John 14_12-13 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 510 - October/ 08/ 2008 South Wartzor
I never liked saunas. When I was a kid back in Australia, I had a weird encounter with one. My mother told me to go fire up the sauna, since I never managed to get the thing to burn, I said I didn't want to. I never won a discussion with my parents, so off I went. About a half hour later, while I was still trying to get the logs to burn, I saw my mother marching though the bush towards me. She looked stern, fist in hand, I was actually afraid of her as a kid. Anyway, in sheer desperation I ran off and got a bucket of thinner from the shed. I emptied the bucket into the sauna oven, squatted down and lit a match..."BOOOOM!", went the oven, rocks flew, and I bounced backwards into the air black and beautiful. Since I wasn't wearing a shirt, I burned myself from the waist up. The eyebrows, the hair, my face...everything got scorched, and I lay in a bed for a while shivering with a fever. I didn't care about the burn, I was just happy that people felt sorry for me instead of being furious with me, which was normally the case.
one of my sons...
I've always respected my parents, I still do. I'm not trying to put them down in any way. I know from experience that it's hard bringing up kids, I have 4 of them myself.
When I grew up, I never felt loved. It's like a curse that never goes away. Since I never felt loved, it made me pretty tough. I know that my dad had the same problem, so it's like a generational curse. My dad never talked to me as a kid, I don't remember anybody really talking to me. The last time I tried to catch their attention was back in 1958 when my first sister was born (I was 4). After that I was "old meat”. I guess this is pretty common. I'm going to ask the Lord to break the curse now, I've seen it happen to others many times. I just break it in Jesus name. If you feel like you have a similar problem, go to a church where they follow Christ and the Bible. Have them pray for you and break the curse, it does work.
Anyway, when I met God in 1975, I felt loved for the first time in my life! That's why I recommend everybody to try God, He really does care. All the evil in the world is man-made. It is that way because God gave us a free will, and most people are evil, egoistic and only think of themselves. Think about it, who have you helped today? God is to this day, the only true love I have ever known on planet Earth.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 509 - October/ 07/ 2008 South Wartzor
Britney Spears has had a hard life.
She evidently has a deep void in her life, this is due to the fact that we all need God. Unfortunately she has had no "born again" Christians around her worth a dime. A person who suffers like Britney, is in desperate need of spiritual guidance. I have heard Britney say that she believes in God. If she does, then Jesus is just a prayer away! If she were to confess her sin (we all sin every day), and receive Jesus into her heart (Just ask Him to move in and take over your life), then she would be ready for the next supernatural step, the Holy Spirit. After Jesus has moved in, most of us feel a deep sense of relief (I know I did). The next step is to get baptized in water as a sign to those around us, that we want to start all over, being born again. Some people "can" get baptized in the Holy Spirit without first being baptized in water, but it is not very common (my experience). When we get to know the Holy Spirit, we have crossed the "point of no return", because then we know without a shadow of a doubt that God is real and that He loves us just the way we are... I call it the Vanishing Point, because the old me disappeared and my whole life changed completely, I was no longer the same man...nor do I ever wish to return to the miserable joke of a man that I was back then. Very few who meet the Holy Spirit, want to turn back to the old crappy life without Christ. – I was never into drugs, because I saw what drugs were doing to my friends. But I did smoke, drink and curse like an idiot. All that is history now, thank God. I'm not saying that I'm a perfect man (nobody is), far from it. I still grow day by day, by the grace of God. I get to pray for people in churches on a weekly basis. I just got a call from a person who needs the Lord, so I'm off to share the Good News again today. The Lord has taught me a lot though Holy Spirit. We can't hold grudges, be bitter or hate others, if God is going to work through us. We have to sanctify our life, as well as we can. I do what I can, and the Lord takes care of the rest. There is no pressure on me from the Lord, and I love to do His will. If you have never tried Jesus, do it, you'll never regret it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 508 - October/ 02/ 2008 South Wartzor
Peace, Christians are being massacred in Orissa, India right now! This is not covered in the media with a black out from the State authorities. At least 1,100 Churches have been burned, More than 300 homes have been burned. 18.000 families have been attacked. 78.000 Christians displaced 13.000 in refugee camps 36,000 injured. These numbers are steadily growing... Christian Schools, motels and shops have also been attacked. People have been murdered by Hindu mobs and many even burned alive for preaching the Good News about Jesus Christ. A great number of Christians have fled out into the jungle, where they have a hard time to survive, due to the monsun rains and Malaria. Some groups (atheists etc) who actually applaud Christians being killed, don't even understand that they potentially are next on the list…
Photo © Benjamin Antell
I don't think God will take this lightly. In India they worship 33 million demi gods (spirits) out of fear, which Hinduism is based on. People are afraid of the demons they worship. Most missionaries are on the level. Naturally there will be fortune seekers among them too, evil people are everywhere in the world. It is however pretty easy to spot the phonies. Most phonies target rich countries like the USA.
Then there are "religious" missionaries, who do not even know the Holy Spirit... They mean well, but they have no spiritual lives, and cannot therefore function as the Lord has intended. They should receive the Holy Spirit or do something else, since they are only in the way!
Demons are in panic because of the great awakening among the peoples of the Earth! God is doing great miracles all over the world. many have been raised from the dead, and thousands have been healed all over the place! They are even documented. The devil, and his helpers are devastated. The devil knows that his time is up as soon as the book of life is filled. After this Jesus will come back to Eart to gather his body (the Church, all denominations who are Christ centered and live according to God's Word). Then all who haven't received Him as their Lord and Saviour, will unfortunately end up with the devil and his underdogs in the Lake of Fire. The ones who are in Hell will also be thrown into the Lake of Fire, to die a second death.
It's only natural that India has lots of poverty and misery. Any country who worships demons will have problems. If they on top of it all persecute the body of Christ, look out. A country like that can not be blessed by God. I urge all responsible Christians all over the world, to pray for India, and all other countries in the word where there is persecution. After all we can be next. ••• Another group of people who will face the wrath of God, are those who cut out verses and passages from the Bible like: Acts 8:37, Matthew 17:21, 18:11, 23:14, Mark 7:16, 9:44, 9:46, 11:26, 15:28, Luke 17:36, 23:17, John 5:4, Acts 8:37, 15:34, 24:7, 28:29, Romans 16:24... According to the Book of Revelation, they will suffer all the plagues mentioned in it. This naturally includes those who make bad translations of the Bible, on purpose. God is a loving God. Hell was not made for mankind, it was just a dump created for the devil and his helpers. Since so many of us humans are evil and refuse to receive God's gift, He has no other option but to throw most of us in the same dump as the devil. Since no unclean beings will enter Heaven. There is forgiveness, for ALL who want to receive Christ in their lives! |