Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 529 - November/ 26/ 2008 South Wartzor



Did you know that "cleansing the leper" refers to gossip and slander?

In for instance Leviticus 14 the whole portion on cleansing the leper refers to gossip and slander.

The Hebrew word for Leper, M'tsora is pronounced the same as two words M'tso ra, which mean "finding evil"...

Gossip and slander will effectively keep us from growing in the spirit. If we don't give them up we will become spiritual invalids.


Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 528 - November/ 25/ 2008 South Wartzor



Here we gig, Pontus and I (Holy Rollers)

at Amigo in Oravais.

God healed Pontus life two years ago, all his internal organs (except the Hammond B3) were fried by alkohol, drugs and rock and roll. The doctors gave him minus 2 days to live!

But here we are 2 years later!

Now Pontus has a cup of coffee, instead of 3 bottles of Vodka, some beer, wine and a joint, on his breaks.


Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 527 - November/ 24/ 2008 South Wartzor



Healing is a hard nut to crack, for many.

A friend of mine in disguise...

Here's an interesting translation from the Power New Testament. (revealing Jewish Roots).

John 5:8. Jesus said to him, "You must immediately get up, you must at once take you pallet and you must continually walk". And immediately the man became well and he took his pallet and he was walking.

This gives a pattern for taking divine healing: taking it immediately, and then walking continually with it. Do not permit the evil to return, Some healing's take time, but the confession and attitude must be that of being healed, Walk by faith, not by sight.


Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 526 - November/ 20/ 2008 South Wartzor



God's Word teaches us, to skip everything which bothers our conscience.

It also tells us, that we should not condemn others, based on our own conscience., since we are all different. We should not talk somebody into doing what we are doing, if it goes against their conscience.

It would be a grave sin on our part to do so.

1Cr 8:12 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.

1Cr 10:29 Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another [man's] conscience?


Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 525 - November/ 19/ 2008 South Wartzor



A Lutheran priest Olli Aalto in Finland,

is having a sex change.

How can this be?

Unfortunately, not all priests know the Lord. If this guy Olli, knew the Lord, he would realize that he is tricked by a spirit, with a feminine personality, that probably came in via trauma. Most people with his problem have been raped at some time in their life. When this happens, the spirit involved usually steals their identity.

He could be free from this spirit, in Jesus name.

Many christians deliver people from evil spirits all the time, just like Jesus did, it's nothing strange. I've never had to raise my voice even (so far). The spirits always obey, because they have no power over the name of Jesus. Jesus can set anybody free!

A spirit is a shape shifter, it can take pretty much any form, and have any kind of name.

Since psychologists rarely are Christians, they spread totally false information about spiritual problems. That's why many are mislead into thinking, that they are trapped in a body of the wrong agenda etc.

If you are a man, and "feel" like a woman inside,

you just need deliverance!

The same thing goes for a woman, who feels like a man. Spirits are personalities, that's why people feel like they are in the wrong body, or sometimes, that they are in the wrong field.

Spirits tend to lie all the time, so there is often no point in having conversations with them, although it is ok to do so sometimes.

Any Christian who is born again, can set you free in the name of Jesus, it's no big deal. Just get rid of your demons, and get on with your life.

Look for a church which believes in the Bible, and where they receive you with open arms. Look until you find the right one.

God Bless You!



Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 523 - November/ 17/ 2008 South Wartzor



Oprah's cheap religion... New Age = Old Hat!

Before I met God, I thought that most religions were just about the same. But after meeting God, He told me that Jesus is the ONLY way. There is NO other way to God.

God is love, He must be, since He wasted His time to come and meet me. I've shared this before, so you can check it out on my personal testimony etc.

Oprah's mentor Eckhart Tolle claims that "man made God", that is a silly and old hat assumption, and "E" doesn't give death any thought. how dumb is that?

Tolle knows nothing about God, but He is blessed by satan, which is the only reason why he has become rich and famous.

Eckhart is one of the devil's counter attacks to God's revival which is taking place right now all over the world.

Oprah is New Age = old occult rubbish.

She tries to makes her message sound like something new, modern, intelligent and interesting, but it's all just old occult hat. In fact, her ideas are at least 2000 years old...

It's sad and very clear, that the devil has blessed her, to make her famous, so that he can use her, as his apostle in these end times.

The devil needs idols, to further his message in these end times, since he is not omnipresent like God is. The devil can only be in one place at the time. Which to him is a major bummer. Since he has lot's of mulah, he can easily lure almost anybody to do his bidding.

And after all, for most people, the dollar is the bottom line. (one of painter Mark Kostabi's fav. quotes)

The sad thing is, after Oprah dies, she will be very sorry and realize that all of it was a lie...but then it will all be too late.

A person who isn't acquainted with the Holy Spirit, is totally oblivious and blind to the things of the Lord.

There is no way on Earth, that a person can know the “deep” difference between good and bad, without first getting to know the Holy Spirit!

I had very little knowledge of right and wrong, before I met the Holy Spirit, because I had lived with people who didn't know God that well. And besides, I had messed up my own conscience pretty bad, by abusing it.

It's almost "impossible" to reach God on an "intellectual" level, since the laws of nature don't apply to the Lord.

He can do anything, any way He pleases, because He is the Creator of all things! You can't mess with God, not even the devil holds a candle to Him.

The devil is just a silly wimp compared to the Creator.

The devil went ga-ga, in Heaven. He thought that He was cool, just because God gave him special powers and made him very beautiful. But when Jesus died on the cross, the devil's IQ was revealed for the first time. He probably went "OH NOOOOOOO!" as he realized what jesus’ accomplished on the cross!

When Jesus rose from the dead,

He stole the keys to the underworld.

Now Jesus is King over life and death, and satan has lost forever.

Oprah is an evangelist of satan, albeit fooled by her own intellect. She was brought up in a Baptist church. Naturally there are born again Baptists too, but many of them are slaves under religion. They try to please God by living under the Law since they know nothing about Grace.

Good grief Oprah, wake up baby, before it's too late. If you follow the path you are on, you will have to pay for all the people that you mislead into the pits of Hell.

If I were you, I'd sit down and think things over, very carefully. I'd talk to God in Jesus name, because there is no other way that you can communicate with God.

God's phone number is 888.

Naturally He hears you, but He will not answer you, unless you come in His Son Jesus' name. When Jesus gave His life on the cross, He gave us the right to use His name to contact the need His number 888.

Heaven is definately a location.

God told a friend of mine, that anybody who really "wants" to, can come for a visit, the gates are open all the time.

Please "try" God, you won't be sorry, I sure know I'm not. He answered me, and I've never regretted that I asked Jesus to take over my life! He means everything to me. I'm into intercessory prayer in two churches now, and I'm lovin' it! God has blessed me like crazy, I love Him so much.


Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 522 - November/ 12/ 2008 South Wartzor



I wonder "how" many times God has saved my life so far...

I bet it's happened lots of times. I remember being in all kinds of danger, especially as a kid, chasing snakes and stuff in Australia. I didn't have a clue, what snakes I was chasing. I just went after them, like a house wife with a Hoover.

My guardian angels must have been very busy…

But then again, that's their job. God has a plan for my life, just as He has a plan for your life!

He wouldn't let me die, playing around with vipers and other creepy crawlers as a kid Down Under, and He saved me when I almost drowned, when I crashed my bike, and when I almost fell into the Ocean during a storm while crossing the Atlantic. Man it's been a very close call at times.

I guess I have a lot to be thankful for.

As I engage myself in intercessory prayer in different churches, I feel very blessed. It's a wonderful pay-off to see people set free from all kinds of addiction, sickness and evil spirits. I even lost my own depressions at the same time.

Some people don't even believe in evil spirits, this makes them prime targets.

Photo © Benjamin Antell

I've run into all kinds of spirits, with the strangest of names. I know that the names were real, because I hear them in my spirit.

When I pray, I ask Him what the spirits names are, and they instantly pop into my head. Sometimes I've doubted for a while, because some names are really "out there", but then as I pray, the spirits manifest as soon as I say their names. Sometimes the spirits seem surprised, when I mention their names and they leave in great haste.

I just command them to leave in Jesus name! If you are into delivering people from oppression, just tell the spirits to be quiet and leave, in Jesus name. The names of the spirits are often descriptive of their agenda.

Here's a few common spirits: Unbelief, Hate, Incest, MS, Confusion, Porn, Fear, Unbelief, Disgust, Chaos, Gate Keeper.

The "Gate Keeper" is a spirit that often hides, when his mates are thrown out, he is left behind as a slim hope for the others (they often try to come back).

Here's a stranger one: “Photo”.

I asked the person who had the spirit called Photo, if he knew "why" that was. He told me that he once got an incredible urge to snap photos everywhere, which he did for a long time. So if you have an obsession of some sort, seek help in church.

People who look at porn, always seem to have problems with spirits. They are often very depressed.

Some people take for granted that I shout at the devil.

Demons usually obey anyway. After all it's not about me or VOLUME, it's the power of Jesus that expels them. I have “sometimes noticed that they can be half asleep, if that’s the case I might raise my voice, just to jog them.

The evil spirits are not important in any way, but it's good to know, that they sometimes are the problem, because we need to rid ourselves of them!

The spirits do not always "occupy" the body of those I pray for, with spiritual problems. The spirits might just as well just hang around the victims, it's "all the same" in most cases. They can do just as much harm ganging up on people, as if they are on the "inside" of a person.

It's not at all uncommon even for Christians to be possessed or be "under the influence".

Some silly, religious people claim that it's impossible for a Christian to have demons.

That's rubbish, I see it all the time, it's very common. As we sometimes stray from God's plan, we automatically attract the spirit's attention. The spirits can spot a backslider a mile away. Once they get him/her, to engage in his/her own pleasures, they can easily "take over", and ride that sucker 'till the cows come home.

Evil spirits are like dog’s, they notice if we have fear etc. and will use it to their advantage. Never fear a spirit, only fear God, who has real power!

As soon as we give in to our "flesh" (our own desires) we become prime targets for sinister forces. That's why it's important for us to put God first in our lives.

I put all my personal interests on the shelve a while back, and I have grown spiritually since. I can really tell that a lot has happened in my life, especially spiritually. I can't put it down in words because it's supernatural, and I have nothing on Earth to compare it with. I can only say like James Browne "I feel good".

Something is happening on my inside, and it's very exciting. I recommend searching for the Lord, even if you already are a Christian. The Holy Spirit has a lot to give. There is so much that we are missing, as soon as we get comfortable in our faith and our surroundings.

Never get too comfortable!

We should always look for more of the Lord, because the Lord has a lot to give. I've been an idiot many times. There was a time in my life in the late 80's and early 90's when I didn't think much about others, I was so busy with my problems, mortgages and stuff. I neglected many of my friends AND God.

Man it's easy to slip off the track, especially if you have worked too much and get tired.

Ben in Old Town © Fred Skymberg

Many get burned out or physically ill, from working too much. It's not worth it. Satanist John Lennon once sang, "running everywhere at such a speed, 'till they find there's no need".

He was right about that one. We tend to "think" that we need to do this and that all the time, but really, we imagine a lot. The world isn't going to stop, just because we relax now and then.

I'm done chasing the clock, I don't even have the phone connected all the time.

There's no need, I want to spend more time with the Lord, so that I know what He wants me to do. There's no point in me running around doing good, when I could be doing God's work, which is even better!



Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 521 - November/ 10/ 2008 South Wartzor


I "almost" got mugged in LA once.

Photo © Benjamin Antell, Los Angeles 1988.

I was waiting for a buss, and a dude walked up to me and asked me if i wanted to buy his leather jacket. I could tell he was strung out on drugs. I just told him "sorry I can't afford it", I was a bit short of cash right then.

Then he pulled out a knife on me, and with a weird look he told me that "you get all the accessories that go with it". I called his bluff, and repeated what I'd said already. Then he cursed, sat down beside me and told me his life story. How he had come from Nothingville, to LA and all his possessions had been stolen from him. It was a sad story, like so many others like it.

We should always be ready to give our testimony to guys like this. Many times they are at the end of their rope, and God can save them "just like that" and give their life meaning. I have seen this happen now and then.

Every time I'm in a situation like the one I mentioned, I remember my calling, so I'm not afraid. Even if something bad did happen, I'm saved, so it doesn't really matter. I trust the Lord that saved me, with all my heart, and I'm never afraid. I have no reason to worry or be afraid. I know that that Lord is with me, no matter what.

Ben Antell Band "live" back in 1982-3?


Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 520 - November/ 03/ 2008 South Wartzor



The Lord has led me into intercessory prayer in a number of churches now, for which I am very grateful.

When I prayed for the drummer guy (to my right), we both fell like tin soldiers when the Holy Spirit fell.

I'm in hot water right now, for explaining the difference between religion and Christian faith.

Even the Lutheran church has many errors in their teachings which they share with the Vatican. Many of the priests hate me, and wish to give me a hard time.

Some of the priests don't even believe that the Bible is God's Word, they think, just like Heathens, that a bunch of Jews authored the Bible. God help us all!

One of the Finnish priest wrote me that, there is no salvation outside the Lutheran church, which is total nonsense.

You can get saved anywhere in the world or in outer space, at any time. And you don't need a priest or a church to get saved.

Furthermore he wrote that, you can only take communion in church, which is another blatant LIE!

In remembrance of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can do it anywhere (but only if you are a Christian)! If you want to experience Jesus. It is a good way to get to know Him. The more time you spend with Him,

the more you will learn.

There are evident signs of hostile, sinister, aggression towards me in the Lutheran church today.

I don't care what people think about me personally, I just try to follow the teachings of my Master Jesus Christ, as closely as I can. I find we can't do that in most churches of today.

All I can do is pray and read the Bible, and talk with the Holy Spirit, who teaches me the Word.

Without the Holy Spirit, the Bible is just another book. But when the Holy Spirit comes, He breathes life into the Bible, and it changes right in front of your eyes. I get all my difficult questions answered through God's word.

Just ask in Jesus name, and it will be given to you!

It is important to belong to a congregation of believers, but I choose to stand outside at least “for the moment”, because I don't want to drag down the ones I love, with me, if the manure hits the fan. I don't want them to blame any church for anything, because of me. After all, the Holy Spirit is my teacher, I don't follow the doctrines of men.

Ps. You don’t need to become a member, to visit a church!

