ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW Peace, People worry a lot right now due to the tsunami in Japan etc. Those of us who live for the Lord have no reason to worry what so ever! I trust completely in the Lord because of His promises in His Word. Naturally I also trust in Him because He whacks me around every day, He just won't leave me alone now and for that I am truly grateful :-) Here is a video called: Ben Antell getting whacked :-) It's recorded in Luton, England in 2010... I could never doubt God for a second, that's just not possible. When He fills me with His power my body shakes and I can even sometimes travel in the Spirit when it happens if I need or want too. When you meet God, you know without a shadow of a doubt WHO He is. Anybody can speak to God in Jesus' name. But before you welcome Jesus and Holy Spirit you can't have a good supernatural life. God has anointed me since I pressed in and got closer to Him. He touches me physically every single day since many years back. He fills me with His power which enables me to heal people in Jesus name. It's a shame that most "so called" Christians will never see Heaven because of religion. Open Mind! I try to always to keep an open mind, that's why God can do what He likes in my life. Some "so called" Christians are however completely "locked down" by their own pre-conceived ideas, religion and philosophies and can therefore never grow spiritually! It's really a shame how stupid most people are :-) • Many never try Jesus, and will go to Hell when they die. • Other's don't believe in Hell, but that won't make Hell go away! • Some are loyal to their church just because, even if it isn't working. • Some cling to rubbish that they have read, as if it were the truth, even though what they many times have read only is a stupid, religious opinion of an ignorant author! Some even have the gall to preach their "opinions" as if they were the truth. God help them, they are in for BIG trouble! Who cares about "opinions"? They are completely worthless, every body has them and they mean absolutely nothing. I wish people would "press in" and ask God to kick their butts, that's what I did :-) When I met the Lord, Jesus and Holy Spirit for the first time 36 years ago, I was given the gift of discernment (to know who is who in the spiritual realm). Thanks to that gift, I won't get lost so easily. I do know what is from God and from the "other" side. It's not at at all hard to tell. It is weird how some Christians, even though they are baptized in the Holy Spirit, don't really know Him at all! Weird story: A while ago I was in a church and during the Intercession (when the elders or whatever) prayed for people, and a friend of min asked me for prayer. Since I was "asked" and it was a "friend" of mine I prayed. Later the director for the church came up to me looking furious, asking me "who are you"? Furthermore he said "your power could be from anywhere". That was to me an incredibly STUPID remark from a person who should have known better! After all the man himself is an intercessor. He should have recognized the power of Holy Spirit straight away instead of going into a fit. Naturally I don't take any rubbish like that personally :-) It is strange how quick people are to give the devil the credit for God's work. It's time that Christians stop and think, and get to know God for real!!! The devil is only a created being. Only an idiot would try to take over his Creator! God booted the devil now called satan out of Heaven with all the dorks he managed to fool in his uprising (one third of the Heavenly angels). They had to leave Heaven without their heavenly bodies, that's why they want to reside in human or sometimes animal bodies, so that they can live out their lusts. A Christian can and most DO carry demons! © Benjamin Antell Many religious persons who don't know Holy Spirit in person claim that Christians can't carry demons! That is just false doctrine. I they were to ask Holy Spirit about it, He would tell them that they are all wrong! But some people are so stiff necked that they don't want to know the truth. They prefer to follow unsound teaching that they like for some reason... Unfortunately this will stunt their growth! The devil loves to "lock down" people through weird doctrine, it is one of his favorite tools! I cast demons out of people almost daily. Drawing © Benjamin Antell I don't need any nonsense like holy water, crosses or anything else. All we need is to realize the authority which we have in Christ against all demons and even the devil himself! They have to obey, they have no option what so ever but to obey us! Some intercessors see the demons as they cast them out. Others are told their names by Holy Spirit. Many ask the evil spirits to reveal themselves, which they do when commanded to respond. Some demons automatically leave when people get closer to God. Many demons will however stay in people after they are saved if they have a foothold through hate, bitterness, love of money, porn, love of worldly things like, music, art, movies, dance, sports etc. There's a big difference between loving and liking something. When we love things we slip into idolatry which will lead us to destruction! All that the devil and his helpers try to do is to frighten people. Fear is an open door for evil spirits, don't open it! Fear does not belong in the Fathers kingdom and it's the devil's only weapon against us...pretty lame wouldn't you say? The Bible says that the devil walks around (like) a lion not that he is one. The devil's got false teeth when it comes to messing with true Christians. He can't do a thing without approval from God.
Don't let the devil, tradition and religion fool you, Uncle Benz See you on Facebook! PS. Check out the prayer at the bottom of the page if you want to get to know Lord Jesus right now!
THE PRAYER! If you would like to try Jesus for yourself, say this prayer from your heart, it will change your life! God loves you, just as He loves every man who walks this Earth! Rom 10:9 because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus [as] Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: Heavenly Father, forgive me my sins. Jesus I believe that you are the only son of God, please save me, come into my heart, and take over my life. Amen. If you said the prayer, you are saved! For we are save by grace and nothing else, we can come as we are! Now thank Jesus for saving you. Welcome to the family! Check out god.TV on TV or the Internet, it is full of good spiritual guidance. is very good too. Your life will change for the better! (Naturally, not all preachers are good, just because they are on god.TV), use your brain as you watch, compare what they say, to see if it lines up with God's Word! Another very important thing: we should never criticize our sisters and brothers outside the church! If we feel that we have to correct somebody, it HAS to happen in church and not publicly. We should never launder our differences before the world, that is stupid according to Gods word! There are some prosperity preachers whose messages are unsound. God didn't intend for all of us to become filthy rich on Earth. Naturally, there might be some generous people on Earth, who may be blessed in this way, since God treats us all individually. But I don't believe for a second, that all Christians are meant to roll in cash...simply for our own pleasures. That would be pointless and silly. I believe that we are supposed to help each other and be generous. I don't believe that we should hoard our money in the bank, but to put it to good use. God will bless those who think of others, like the famous painter Van Gogh did. He gave his money etc. to the poor miners of Borinage, where he worked as an evangelist (between paintings). This is another fact, which is rarely (if ever) mentioned in art books due to our atheistic society. Don't look down on rich people (or anybody else), God blesses whom He pleases. Here's another side to prosperity: Job the incredibly rich man. We read in the Old Testament how he was tested by the devil and lost everything. Because he was faithful to the Lord, everything was restored to him + he became filthy rich :-) Why? Because God blessed him. Rom 10:13 for, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Naturally, your life needs to change, if you've received Christ. We can't go on living in sin, like we did before we met God. But anyway, everything starts with the little prayer. It has worked for me and many of my friends. Let God take over, and don't fret, He will take care of you, trust the Lord! You are now ready to receive Mr. Holy Spirit (if He hasn't already descended on you)! He is a person, sent by God to be your Helper. Spirit filled born again Christians can pray for you to receive Him. Your life will never be the same! I call Him Mr. Holy Spirit sometimes, because most people don't seem to know that He is a person as well as Spirit. Holy Spirit will give you a prayer language, so if you feel like there's something bubbling inside you, just open your mouth and speak whatever sounds Holy Spirit is giving you. The prayer language is called "tongues", it can be a Heavenly language or an earthly one, it all depends. I have many different ones, I've noticed that it changes a lot, from time to time. One Finnish girl that I prayed for received english as her prayer language, go figure. Some people even claim that you can't pray or talk to Holy Spirit, I beg to differ. God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit are ONE, so you can pray to any one of the three. But it's logical to pray to the Father in Jesus' name. When I pray for people, Holy Spirit and I have an ongoing dialogue during prayer. We speak to each other all day, but even more intensely during prayer, since He then directs me. Mar 16:17 And these signs shall accompany them that believe: in my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; Tts 3:5 not by works [done] in righteousness, which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of Holy Spirit, Check out: PS, I sometimes highlight words in the scriptures that I quote. Always check your own Bible to confirm God's word! Camera case syndrome, Photo © Benjamin Antell I'm not trying to put anyone down with my Write, I'm just trying to convey what God has put on my heart I also feel that that life is too short, to just shut up and go with the flow, when people suffer under all kinds of bondage, and could in fact be set free in Christ. If you find my write helpful, or disgusting in any way please let me know, you can drop me an e-mail. Remember to use a correct "subject" so that my spam turkey won't gobble it down. Press here if you want to send me an e-mail. My youtube page: This was how I felt before I met God. All photos and grapics © benjamin Antell (AKA thalonen), unless otherwise noted.
Michael Jackson ha left the building. |