ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW Peace, Check this site out :-) and these links:
Don't let the devil get you! Uncle Ben (AKA thalonen on youtube) See you on Facebook! If you would like to try Jesus for yourself, say this prayer from your heart, it will change your life! God loves you, just as He loves every man who walks this Earth! Rom 10:9 because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus [as] Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: Heavenly Father, forgive me my sins. Jesus I believe that you are the only son of God, please save me, come into my heart, and take over my life. Amen. If you said the prayer, you are saved! For we are save by grace and nothing else, we can come as we are! Now thank Jesus for saving you. Welcome to the family! Check out on TV or the Internet, it is full of good spiritual guidance. Your life will change for the better! (Naturally, not all preachers are good, just because they are on, use your brain as you watch, compare what they say, to see if it lines up with God's Word! There are some prosperity preachers on, whose message is not sound. God didn't mean for us to become filthy rich on Earth. Naturally, there might be some generous people on Earth, who may be blessed this way, as God treats us all individually. But I don't believe for a second, that all Christians are meant to roll in cash. That would be pointless and silly. I believe that we are supposed to help each other and be generous. I don't believe that we should save our money in the bank, but to put it to good use. God will bless those who think of others, like the famous painter Van Gogh did. He gave his money etc. to the poor miners of Borinage, where he worked as an evangelist (between paintings). This is another fact, which is rarely (if ever) mentioned in art books due to our atheistic society. Don't look down on rich people (or anybody else), God blesses whom He pleases. There's another side to prosperity: Job the incredibly rich man. We read in the Old Testament how he was tested by the devil and lost everything. Because he was faithful to the Lord, everything was restored to him + he became filty rich! Why, because God blessed him. Rom 10:13 for, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Naturally, your life needs to change, if you've received Christ. We can't go on living in sin, like we did before we met God. But anyway, everything stares with the little prayer. It has worked for me and many of my friends. Let God take over, and don't fret, He will take care of you, trust the Lord! You are now ready to receive the Holy Spirit (if He hasn't already descended on you)! He is a person, sent by God to be your Helper. Spirit filled born again Christians can pray for you to receive Him. Your life will never be the same! The Holy Spirit will give you a prayer language, so if you feel like there's something bubbling inside you, just open your mouth and speak whatever sounds the Holy Spirit is giving you. The prayer language is called "tongues", it can be a Heavenly language or an earthly one, it all depends. I have many different ones, I've noticed that it changes a lot, from time to time. Mar 16:17 And these signs shall accompany them that believe: in my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; Tts 3:5 not by works [done] in righteousness, which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, Check out: Check out my weird videos on: Between the lines Feb/07/2010: Jews flee Malmö as anti-Semitism grows ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW Peace, Some people ask me "who do you think you are"? I "know" exactly who I am in Christ! Furthermore I know that nothing is about me, it's all about Christ and what He did on the cross. Without Jesus there would be NO salvation, since He is the ONLY door to the Father. Anybody who actually meets Jesus (for real), will come to understand this for a fact! Boris © Benjamin Antell One thing that bugs me a lot, is the fact that almost all movies and music CD's are sublimely programmed by the NWO (New World Order). I know it's true because even I used S.P. in my commercial work before I had a deeper spiritual life, for which I am sorry. Another thing which is sad. © Benjamin Antell Is the fact that many people base their opinion of you on second hand facts. This never works, since we all interpret everything that we see and hear in a personal manner, depending on where we are coming from. While one person can call another person cruel, a third person might find that same person as being sympathetic and kind. We view the world and eveything in it through our own personal goggles. If you really want to know what a person is like, you had better talk to him or her directly to get a clearer picture. Besides, it can take a lifetime to get to know some people. Think about it before you step in someones face the next time. Some people are led to believe that they have no faith. © Benjamin Antell This is simply not true! Anybody who believes in Christ has faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed. This is all the faith we need to get our prayers answered. I kid you not. Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them...verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Don't let the devil get you! Uncle Ben (AKA thalonen on youtube) If you would like to try Jesus for yourself, say this prayer from your heart, it will change your life! God loves you, just as He loves every man who walks this Earth! Rom 10:9 because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus [as] Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: Heavenly Father, forgive me my sins. Jesus I believe that you are the only son of God, please save me, come into my heart, and take over my life. Amen. If you said the prayer, you are saved! For we are save by grace and nothing else, we can come as we are! Now thank Jesus for saving you. Welcome to the family! Check out on TV or the Internet, it is full of good spiritual guidance. Your life will change for the better! (Naturally, not all preachers are good, just because they are on, use your brain as you watch, compare what they say, to see if it lines up with God's Word! There are some prosperity preachers on, whose message is not sound. God didn't mean for us to become filthy rich on Earth. Naturally, there might be some generous people on Earth, who may be blessed this way, as God treats us all individually. But I don't believe for a second, that all Christians are meant to roll in cash. That would be pointless and silly. I believe that we are supposed to help each other and be generous. I don't believe that we should save our money in the bank, but to put it to good use. God will bless those who think of others, like the famous painter Van Gogh did. He gave his money etc. to the poor miners of Borinage, where he worked as an evangelist (between paintings). This is another fact, which is rarely (if ever) mentioned in art books due to our atheistic society. Don't look down on rich people (or anybody else), God blesses whom He pleases. There's another side to prosperity: Job the incredibly rich man. We read in the Old Testament how he was tested by the devil and lost everything. Because he was faithful to the Lord, everything was restored to him + he became filty rich! Why, because God blessed him. Rom 10:13 for, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Naturally, your life needs to change, if you've received Christ. We can't go on living in sin, like we did before we met God. But anyway, everything stares with the little prayer. It has worked for me and many of my friends. Let God take over, and don't fret, He will take care of you, trust the Lord! You are now ready to receive the Holy Spirit (if He hasn't already descended on you)! He is a person, sent by God to be your Helper. Spirit filled born again Christians can pray for you to receive Him. Your life will never be the same! The Holy Spirit will give you a prayer language, so if you feel like there's something bubbling inside you, just open your mouth and speak whatever sounds the Holy Spirit is giving you. The prayer language is called "tongues", it can be a Heavenly language or an earthly one, it all depends. I have many different ones, I've noticed that it changes a lot, from time to time. Mar 16:17 And these signs shall accompany them that believe: in my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; Tts 3:5 not by works [done] in righteousness, which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, Check out: Check out my weird videos on: Between the lines Feb/07/2010: Jews flee Malmö as anti-Semitism grows ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW Peace, Many look for God and their destiny in all the wrong places. © Benjamin Antell T.D. Jake's once said something like: "Dorothy, you could have been home a long time ago". Because as soon as you start looking for answers through other people, and miracles somewhere down the Yellow Brick Road, instead of clicking the heels to your mind, to set your affections on that which is above, you could have been healed or set free years ago. The devil will try to bind up our minds so that we can't function. Some people waste a lot of time staying angry and blaming others for their misfortune. While others waste their time waiting for people to ask forgiveness, when they could in fact just drop it, and get on with their lives. The most powerful tool that you have is your mind, why not use it? "It is with the mind that we serve the Lord"! The devil can make us physically sick through our mind (attitudes), and he does. if we are bound up by negative mind sets we WILL suffer. Set your head free! Let God renew your mind today, let go of all negative thoughts, stress, anger, pettiness, envy, strife, hate. Just let it go in Jesus' name, He will help anyone who calls on His name, and asks for help. We have to forgive all those that have sinned against us, just like the Lord forgives us with no strings attached. E. T. is back? © Benjamin Antell Many people fall for this guy's New Age religion. Eckhart Tolle it's nothing new, he is just another antichrist. Even Jim Carrey (the superb actor) has fallen for this snake. I used to pray for Jim (still do), since I felt that he was sincere in his quest for the truth, but now he is sadly lost in the devils New Age Soup a` la E. T. E. T. has nothing to give, just like his friends the deceiving antichrist Dalai Lama and Ophrah Winfrey. These people have absolutely nothing to give but death. They are totally "mixed up" by evil New Age spirits. Get a high from New Age? Naturally some people will sense some sort of "high" (buzz) listening to these lost souls, but they are nothing more than that: Lost Souls. Evil spirits are real and very much alive, they always try to deceive! The spirit of Buddha is also an evil deceiving spirit, as are all the eastern and other religious spirits. Religion has nothing to do with God! God wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with us, He does not want ritual or religion! Very few seem to understand this, due to poor knowledge of spiritual matters. Not many understand the Bible either, which is not a normal book, it is supernatural and can only be understood through the aid of Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches us in Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. Why is it so hard for men to actually give Jesus a shot? Most people leave Jesus Christ until LAST on their list, simply because life is a battle between good and evil. God explains this clearly in the Bible (in Ephesians 6:12), and NO the Bible was NOT written by mere mortals! It was dictated by God. 2 Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. How come I know this? Self portrait © Benjamin Antell Because I was one of the few guys who actually took God at His Word and gave Jesus a shot. Probably about 98% (or so) of all humans will end up in Hell. Even most "so called" Christians will end up in Hell, since most of them don't know God in person. Jesus Christ proved to me (and many others of course), beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is alive and well! He really did and my life is so wonderful, that I can't even explain how fantastic it is! I'm never depressed, God fills all my days with a supernatural joy, which surpasses anything that the world or any guru could ever even try to conjure up. God has flipped my life over many times, since I first met Him in 1975 and almost fainted. I was totally surprised to actually meet God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. I had no clue that I could actually meet them here and now, but I did and that's the wonder! I didn't even know that Holy Spirit was a person, man was I dumb! Nobody had EVER told me about Holy Spirit, and now I get to enjoy His company on a daily basis. He is so cool, He fills my every day with joy unspeakable, and I get to do lots of miracles in Jesus' name! That's an important aspect, I actually get to do the same miracles that Jesus did. You can do them too, if you receive Jesus, Holy Spirit, and change your life as proof that you really do believe! Oprah is so NOT right! She has NO clue what so ever! She is leading people to Hell, perhaps unintentionally, but still, this is what she is doing! That's what happens when the blind (in this case Oprah and Tolle) lead the blind. Eckhart Tolle is one of the most EVIL men in the world. I don't know if he is fooling people on purpose, or if he is a victim himself. But he is definitely one of the devil's own apostles and will one day join his master and his followers in the Lake of Fire. Wake up people, so that you don't lose your souls! Try Jesus, He IS the REAL THING! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life.” Albert Einstein Important: To be destroyed! To be destroyed. Don't keep any questionable objects in your home, This is very important. If you have any Buddha statues or other demigods in your homes DESTROY them right away. Don't sell them, destroy them so that nobody else comes under the destructive powers inherited in these demonic objects. Also if you have any books on spiritism or any form of witchcraft, burn them right away! Don't think about money, just burn them! Act 19:19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all [men]: and they counted the price of them, and found [it] fifty thousand [pieces] of silver. 2Ki 10:26 And they brought forth the images out of the house of Baal, and burned them. Many objects actually contain evil spirits and/or curses. It is never good to have objects like these in your home. I get to destroy lot's of especially Buddha's these days, many people use them for decoration, not knowing that they will bring curses and sicknesses over their homes and families.
Don't let the devil get you! Uncle Ben If you would like to try Jesus for yourself, say this prayer from your heart, it will change your life! God loves you, just as He loves every man who walks this Earth! Rom 10:9 because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus [as] Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: Heavenly Father, forgive me my sins. Jesus I believe that you are the only son of God, please save me, come into my heart, and take over my life. Amen. If you said the prayer, you are saved! For we are save by grace and nothing else, we can come as we are! Now thank Jesus for saving you. Welcome to the family! Check out on TV or the Internet, it is full of good spiritual guidance. Your life will change for the better! (Naturally, not all preachers are good, just because they are on, use your brain as you watch, compare what they say, to see if it lines up with God's Word! There are some prosperity preachers on, whose message is not sound. God didn't mean for us to become filthy rich on Earth. Naturally, there might be some generous people on Earth, who may be blessed this way, as God treats us all individually. But I don't believe for a second, that all Christians are meant to roll in cash. That would be pointless and silly. I believe that we are supposed to help each other and be generous. I don't believe that we should save our money in the bank, but to put it to good use. God will bless those who think of others, like the famous painter Van Gogh did. He gave his money etc. to the poor miners of Borinage, where he worked as an evangelist (between paintings). This is another fact, which is rarely (if ever) mentioned in art books due to our atheistic society. Don't look down on rich people (or anybody else), God blesses whom He pleases. There's another side to prosperity: Job the incredibly rich man. We read in the Old Testament how he was tested by the devil and lost everything. Because he was faithful to the Lord, everything was restored to him + he became filty rich! Why, because God blessed him. Rom 10:13 for, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Naturally, your life needs to change, if you've received Christ. We can't go on living in sin, like we did before we met God. But anyway, everything stares with the little prayer. It has worked for me and many of my friends. Let God take over, and don't fret, He will take care of you, trust the Lord! You are now ready to receive the Holy Spirit (if He hasn't already descended on you)! He is a person, sent by God to be your Helper. Spirit filled born again Christians can pray for you to receive Him. Your life will never be the same! The Holy Spirit will give you a prayer language, so if you feel like there's something bubbling inside you, just open your mouth and speak whatever sounds the Holy Spirit is giving you. The prayer language is called "tongues", it can be a Heavenly language or an earthly one, it all depends. I have many different ones, I've noticed that it changes a lot, from time to time. Mar 16:17 And these signs shall accompany them that believe: in my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; Tts 3:5 not by works [done] in righteousness, which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, Check out: Check out my weird videos on: Between the lines Feb/07/2010: Jews flee Malmö as anti-Semitism grows PS, I sometimes highlight words in the scriptures that I quote. Always check your own Bible to confirm God's word! Camera case syndrome, Photo © Benjamin Antell I'm not trying to put anyone down with my Write, I'm just trying to convey what God has put on my heart I also feel that that life is too short, to just shut up and go with the flow, when people suffer under all kinds of bondage, and could in fact be set free in Christ. If you find my write helpful, or disgusting in any way please let me know, you can drop me an e-mail. Remember to use a correct "subject" so that my spam turkey won't gobble it down. Press here if you want to send me an e-mail. If you want to snail mail me:
benjamin Antell
This was how I felt before I met God. BIG BEN, Box 325, FIN-65101 Vasa, Finland. All photos and grapics © benjamin Antell (AKA thalonen), unless otherwise noted.
Michael Jackson ha left the building. |