--------------------------------------------- Uncle Ben's WRITE 572 - Feb/ 27/ 2009 South Wartzor
My sister who knows about my spiritual "clean up", told me, I might want to burn my black Digeridoo
I asked her why (I can be slow sometimes), she said they were “ritual instruments”. I knew that but my versions are only tourist versions... This morning as I was thinking about them (I'm in constant prayer). I was wondering about the symbols on the little one...
The Lord asked me: "what are they made of?" I said: "hollow wood..." The Lord: "and what is a magic wand made of?" I said: “hollow wood”…“Hollywood!”
Then I understood that the Digeridoo is only “a giant magic wand”, a devil's flute if you will. When the Aborigines blow the “didge”, they get in touch with the evil spirit world (they are led to believe that the evil spirits are the spirits of their dead family members, but it is not so) . The symbols on the Aussie artifacts are animals of all kinds, hand prints etc. On western wands they would be stars, planets etc. They symbols sometimes demonic for casting spells with, knowingly or not. Some films, music and books can do this too, especially in combination with drugs. That's why most of the junk Hollywood spews out is blessed by the evil one, in other words cursed! – Into the fire.
Drugs are the devil's counterfeit version of Holy Spirit.
Photo © Fred Skymberg
Drugs open the door to the spirit world for the lost ones (those who do not know God). So in reality what happens is that the Aborigines cast the devil's spells with this huge wand... surely unknowingly, since the spirit world is very deceptive. Not all magic rituals require drugs, but they are commonly used in most magic rituals and satanism. I have no idea what drugs the Aboriginies used in the past (except Pituri, an Australian Aboriginal religious drug, Duboisia Hopwoodii). Some chewed mushrooms that grow in Australia contain a drug called psilocybin. Psilocybin is a hallucinogen and the mushrooms are called Magic Mushrooms.
Photo © Steve Reinthal
In the photo above we see a modern spirit (drug?) influenced figure with an Egyptian Anubis head and a scorched branch in his hand... Man, satan's got his foot in everywhere. I don't want to have my Didgie's any more, at least they will come to some good use now, since it's cold outside and I have a fire place.
These artifacts will join my other ethnic instruments.
-Added April 17 2009-
I'm not saying that "you" should burn all your ethnic instruments! This is about "me" and what God told "me" to do. Some instruments (like professional African Djembe drums) have been sacrificed to evil spirits, that's why I don't want to play them. Normally though, you can "bang any gong" when you praise God! Just like King David in Psalm 150 (he lists many instruments). Ps. Most artifacts that come from Africa seem to be cursed. That is my experience.
Psa 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Most instruments however are just that, musical instruments. What you do with them is entirely up to you. No instrument is more sinful than the other (except if it's been sacrificed to demons, that would make it cursed). In my case I wasn't sure about all the instruments, but since they weren't that important to me I just torched the lot.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 571 - Feb/ 25/ 2009 South Wartzor
It's hard to get a major breakthrough in life, if you see yourself as a sinner all the time. Sure, we are all x-sinners and we can still make misstakes, but to focus on what drains you of power, is no good. We need to think positively and rely on what we "have" in Christ.
Photo © Fred Skymberg
Jesus made us righteous! He took all our sin upon himself, and crucified it once and for all. All that you have sinned and will sin, is already paid for. God knew that we would go on sinning and make misstakes, even after we were saved, because it is our nature. That's why Christ died in our place. – Naturally, we can't go on sinning on purpose, that's not what I mean, but all our future "mistakes", are already covered by Jesus blood sacrifice. Just repent seriously!
I've begun saying Hallelujah! I never thought that I'd get into that jargon, but it just happened, God is so good... Hallelujah! For those of you who don't know what Hallelujah means, it means "Praise God" ( thank God, praise Jah). Jah is just another word for God. I never knew what the preachers were going on about, until I met the Holy Spirit. All those weird old expressions they kept using sounded almost like Chinese to me.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 570 - Feb/ 24/ 2009 South Wartzor
My record collection went
up in smoke today!
I've been asking the Holy Spirit to guide me, so that I can get rid of everything that's in the way of my spiritual growth. This was one of those things.
Some time ago He also reminded me about fasting on a regular basis. So now I'm into that too, because I know the power of fasting. Many say that you can fast by not watching TV or, not eating candy. Sure you can, but that's for sissy's. If you really want your spiritual life to take off you need to not eat or drink anything while you fast.
Everybody who is born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, knows that you can't make it in the spiritual realm without fasting regularely! We need the power when we cast out demons and heal the sick. Everything flows better when you fast on a regular basis.
Mark 9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
Fasting is important. Sure, God did miracles and stuff while I was in my comfort zone too, but not every week like He does now that I take Him seriously.
Mat 6:16 "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
PS. Don't give me secular records.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 570 - Feb/ 22/ 2009 South Wartzor
It sure takes a long time for "some" of us to grow spiritually. Myself included.
Photo © Fred Skymberg
When we moved back to Finland in 1980, I went through the different congregations taking their "spiritual temperature". I got pretty depressed, having come from Sweden where there was a "spiritual awakening" at that time. Since I didn't have the brains to do something about it myself, I kinda resigned. I did hold small prayer cells in Kvevlax and Wartzor with my wife .
Photo © Fred Skymberg
Looking back at it all, I do see myself as a pretty stupid excuse of a Christian (slow in the head). I was trying to do "whatever I could”, now that the penny has dropped, and I understand that: God want us to be heaters and not thermometers. And we are supposed to do whatever the Spirit tells us to do.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 568 - Feb/ 18/ 2009 South Wartzor
Some people claim that people turn to Christ out of fear.
Photo © Fred Skymberg
Perhaps some do, I never did that. I can't remember having been afraid of anything in my life. Except the police, when I was a little boy. Death has never been scary to me, in fact the only thing I wanted to do just before I met Christ was to die! I don't really care when i die, but I feel there are things that the Lord wants me to do here, "before" I hang up my D28.
Many claim that my God isn't real, that I'm believing in fairy tales.
It's normal to think that way "if" you haven't "tried" Jesus. How could you know, not having tried Him? There's no way.
I was "hoping" that there was more to life than 9-5, because life was so boring that I just wanted to die. I mean, what else is there? Money, sex and basket weaving...all fine I'm sure, but all boring in the long run...okay, maybe not basket weaving.
Many are very confused about God. The theories that people throw at me are very weird, most of the time. But what can you expect from a person who has never tried God, and bases everything on other peoples theories, or religious dogma? Here's one comment: "All forms of Christianity is based on the orthodox christianity, including catholicism, and including yours. ...that is total "nonsense". I base my faith on what the Holy Spirit is teaching me in my daily walk with Him. My faith has nothing to do with Catholic/Orthodox dogma, I am not religious, I live a Spirit filled life. Nor has it much to do with other churches dogma. I can't subscribe to any one faith 100%, because all have their missing parts, or home-made rubbish added to them. Christianity is a relationship with God, not a religion!
2Pe 1:20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation.
I do believe that the Bible is God's word, and nothing else!
2Pe 1:21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
– Some verses have been omitted, and some translations are a bit sloppy, but the original texts are the perfect word of God. I have many Bibles, so that I can compare the translations. I am also getting into the Greek language now. I feel that I have to learn as much as I can, while there still is time.
When healing's are being men-tioned, people are quick to discredit Benny Hinn. I don't know Mr. Hinn personally, but the fruit of his life is clear. He does say silly things sometimes, and talk too much about money, but that's the "flesh" talking. Nobody is perfect. I know I'm not, are you? I don’t think that Mr. Hinn is a prophet. Prophets don’t make mistakes! I’m sure that he can prophesy, but that does not make him a prophet.
Satanists are trying to cast spells on Hinn at his meetings. They "know" that both the devil and God are real, and that Hinn is a threat to them.
The church of satan are now marketing themselves as "not" believing in satan..."where's the logic in that?"
I was in marketing for 25 years or so, so I understand them completely. If you push an idea long enough, people will "buy" it. For some reason, it's easier to sell lies than it is to sell the truth.
When I quote the Bible some say that it doesn't count as proof... Then they go on to saying that it was written for one of the world's religions. That is a weird misconcep-tion. The Bible was never written as a religious book, far from it. The Bible is the supernatural living word of God, and it will continue to be so until Christ returns.
The reason that Jesus came, was to destroy the works of the devil. God speaks to us today through His Holy Bible. In the Bible you can find the answer to any question that you may have! I'm sure of it, because I do. When I pray to God over something, the Holy Spirit will often tell me what page, chapter or verse to look up, and there it is! It’s supernatural.
Some find Jesus walking on water to be unbelievable. I've seen so many miracles, that I can't even remember half of them “right off the bat". But I assure you, far greater things have I seen than a man walking on water. And so can you, if you attend spirit filled Christian meetings, instead of staying at home "in the dark" as it were.
Naturally some churches are boring, good for nothing rubbish.
Some base their beliefs on "religion" or other peoples experiences. To have a full life, you need to get to know Christ for real in a relationship with him. The same thing goes for Holy Spirit! People just don't seem to get that, no matter if you talk until you're blue in the face sometimes. Religion can't save anybody, only Jesus capable and he is not a religion.
Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved”.
I think John Lennon's "Imagine" lyrics are childish and satanic. This seems to irritate many. I'm not saying it to put anybody down, but I think they are terrible lyrics, because I can see that the man behind the message is satan. It is typical of him. "Imagine there's no Heaven-believe in yourself..." only satan can be the father of an anti-Christ idea like that.
1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour.
Naturally, satan does not want us to believe in Christ, because Christ is the only name on Earth that can save us, and the devil knows that.
Acts 13:10 and said, "You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteous-ness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?
– satan himself can never be saved, he is doomed, afraid and above all very envious of anybody's else's happi-ness.
Mar 4:15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 567 - Feb/ 17/ 2009 South Wartzor
Photo © Fred Skymberg
It's very important that we control our thought life! We can't really grow as Christians is we spend our time nourishing wrong thoughts. Most of us sin in our thought life, because we "somehow" think that it's not that important...
Mat 9:4 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, "Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?
The devil's helpers will take advantage of us if we loiter about, with drifting minds. Some people who ask for intercessory prayer help, don't understand that they also need to change their way of thinking, to remain set free, and to grow spiritually.
An example: some are addicted to sex, and they want to be set free. It's easy to be set free, but if you keep on watching porn or think about it in your mind, your problem will remain.
Mat 5:27-28 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
There is porn and violence in most movies these days, so the best thing is to stop watching them! Most actors play the "same role" in every movie they are in, so many times you can tell what the movie will be like, just by checking out the list of actors. The TV is one of the devils fav tools...
Your actions will change parallel to your thoughts, once you get them under control.
I know people who can't seem to get anything done, they just "hang". Many of them use cannabis and are daydreamers and spend their time dreaming of things that they wish would happen. Dreams aren't going to do it, if they would change their way of thinking they would eventually get constructive, and do something about it.
Col 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Weird Eastern Links: 1. Palestinians using children as shields
2. Hamas shooting and beheading Palestinians for playing music at a wedding. Naturally this video was removed.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 567 - Feb/ 16/ 2009 South Wartzor
Peace, Most rock bands in the world seem to worship the devil.
Personally I can't listen to secular music any more. The spirit of the recordings is too repulsive. I've always suspected that the music is spiritually corrupted somehow, but now I know for sure.
When I first met God, I threw away all my old LP records, because I wanted to get rid of everything old in my life, including the bad memories. But silly me, as time has gone by, I have been given records and bought new ones here and there. All of a sudden I noticed that silly me had aquired a new collection of cursed crap… This was the last time I fell into that trap. I pray that I don't fall asleep at the wheel again.
According to former witch John Todd, friend of Bill Crosby, claimed all the major record companies have chapels, where they "cast spells over the master tapes” so that all copies made will have a curse over them, and sell well. They want their "message" to get through to the listeners. Evidently it's working. – Nobody really know anything about Todd’s life, except that he became a Christian. Todd was railroaded and murdered because he knew too much and was talking about it. It’s always about money.
I was told that Bernie Taupin who writes Elton John's music claims that he always writes in "witches language". The words mean stuff that a "normal" listener does not understand, other than subcon-sciously. In other words, they are messing with our minds. Some bands know about this and think it's a cool thing, Rush for instance. They also know that the New World Order is a part of the BIG picture. The book of Revelations speaks about the New World Order in great detail, but Revelations is hard to understand, for a Christian. And impossible to understand for a person who doesn't know the Holy Spirit. The same Luciferian Freemason's (Illuminati members) that own the major record companies, also own all other major stores and Industries of the world, even the oil business. They also own parts of the police, Government officials etc. Many world leaders are said to be member’s of the Illuminati who are a group within the Freemasons.
The Beatle "White Album" is said to be the book of prophesy for witches.
Carole King's Tapestry is also said to be completely written in witches language.
Here's a list of bands who openly claim to worship the devil or satanist and Freemason Alistair Crowley (born Edward Alexander Crowley, 1875-1947)
The Rolling Stones, John Lennon (was a Christian in the mid 70's but probably back-slid), Frank Zappa (was a Christian in the mid 70's but probably back-slid), The Beatles, ACDC, Metallica, Marilyn Manson, Bill Crosby, Carlos Santana, Twisted Sister, Bon Jovi, Jefferson Starhip, Slayer, Acheron, Manowar, Morbid Angel, The Eagles, Kiss, Pink Floyd, Venom, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Led Zeppelin, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Harvey Danger, Graham Bond, Cold Chisel, Ministry, David Bowie, Iron Maiden, Celtic Frost, Coil, Carcass, Current 93, Behemoth, Fields of the Nephilim, Alphaville, Annwn, Coral, Mudvayne, Manic Street Preachers, Murder City Devils, Tiamat, Tool, Paradise Lost, Babylon Whores, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page, Police, Pantera, Raul Seixas, Kimya Dawson, John Frusciante, Devildriver, Primal Scream, Can, David Crosby, Carole King, Jim Morrison, Stevie Nicks, Motley Crue, David Lee Roth, Judas Priest, Little Richards, Leon Russel, Sinead O'Connor, Jethro Tull, Rush, Skid Row, King Diamond, Billy Idol, Joni Mitchell, Coven, Dark Angel, Demon, Infernal Majesty, Possessed, Cloven Hoof, Krokus, Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), even bought Boleskine House estate of Aleister Crowley from 1899 to 1913, because of his fascination with the occult. – I’ve been had, I feel stupid, having bought their records. I was spiritually blind, partly because I liked the music. I will never again drag cursed music into my home. I am very sorry for having exposed my kids to this trash. Why expose anyone to this hellish rubbish?
I have no way of knowing "how much" is true regarding the links, but it seems to me like there's a whole lot going on in the world, that the "sheep" know nothing about. Satanist's call people in the street "sheep", because most people sleep through life.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 566 - Feb/ 10/ 2009 South Wartzor
Peace, Here's a story about the devil and why he was thrown out of Heaven.
Ezekiel 28:1-19 The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
“ ‘In the pride of your heart you say, “I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas.” But you are a man and not a god, though you think you are as wise as a god. Are you wiser than Daniel? Is no secret hidden from you? By your wisdom and understanding you have gained wealth for yourself and amassed gold and silver in your treasuries. By your great skill in trading you have increased your wealth, and because of your wealth your heart has grown proud.” ‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘Because you think you are wise, as wise as a god, I am going to bring foreigners against you, the most ruthless of nations; they will draw their swords against your beauty and wisdom and pierce your shining splendor. They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die a violent death in the heart of the seas. Will you then say, “I am a god,” in the presence of those who kill you? You will be but a man, not a god, in the hands of those who slay you. You will die the death of the uncircumcised at the hands of foreigners.
I have spoken, declares the Sovereign LORD.’ The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
Eze 28:13 You have been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] your covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of your tabrets and of your pipes was prepared in you in the day that you were created.
(The devil had musical instruments imbedded in his body...)
You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings. By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end and will be no more.’
Here's another from Isaiah in the Old Testament:
Isaiah 14:4-23 you will taunt the king of Babylon. You will say, "The mighty man has been destroyed. Yes, your insolence is ended. For the Lord has crushed your wicked power and broken your evil rule. You persecuted the people with unceasing blows of rage and held the nations in your angry grip. Your tyranny was unrestrained. But at last the land is at rest and is quiet. Finally it can sing again! Even the trees of the forest-the cypress trees and the cedars of Lebanon-sing out this joyous song: `Your power is broken! No one will come to cut us down now!' "In the place of the dead there is excitement over your arrival. World leaders and mighty kings long dead are there to see you. With one voice they all cry out, `Now you are as weak as we are! Your might and power are gone; they were buried with you. All the pleasant music in your palace has ceased. Now maggots are your sheet and worms your blanket.'
"How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world. For you said to yourself, `I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God's stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.' But instead, you will be brought down to the place of the dead, down to its lowest depths. Everyone there will stare at you and ask, `Can this be the one who shook the earth and the kingdoms of the world? Is this the one who destroyed the world and made it into a wilderness? Is this the king who demolished the world's greatest cities and had no mercy on his prisoners?' "The kings of the nations lie in stately glory in their tombs, but you will be thrown out of your grave like a worthless branch. Like a corpse trampled underfoot, you will be dumped into a mass grave with those killed in battle. You will descend to the pit. You will not be given a proper burial, for you have destroyed your nation and slaughtered your people. Your son will not succeed you as king. Kill the children of this sinner! Do not let them rise and conquer the land or rebuild the cities of the world." This is what the Lord Almighty says: "I, myself, have risen against him! I will destroy his children and his children's children, so they will never sit on his throne.
I will make Babylon into a desolate land, a place of porcupines, filled with swamps and marshes. I will sweep the land with the broom of destruction. I, the Lord Almighty, have spoken!"
Uncle Ben's WRITE 566 - Feb/ 10/ 2009 South Wartzor
Peace, People who lie in a coma do not suffer!
That's why I feel that it is terrible to murder them by pulling the plug. Every now and then somebody jn a coma wakes up, as if nothing has happened. After all, those who are in a coma, are in a deep sleep. Some doctor's know that Zolpidem (the sleeping pill) can wake some people up, in 20-30 minutes. It happens now and then. It doesn't work on everybody, but I have seen two coma patients wake up in about 25 minutes.
Photo © Fred Skymberg
Naturally the forces of evil, want us to pull every plug possible. Especially if the person in a coma, is a man of God, or a person who does not yet know God. When you die it's too late, to repent, change your mind about believing in Jesus. All who die without Jesus in their lives, will panic in the next life as they are sent to Hell, to await their judgment. Hell will be filled with both evil and “kind people, with priests, politicians, kings, queens, popes, devil worshippers, all people who are into witchcraft, eastern and other religions, doctors, layers, monks, nuns, rich people, poor people, famous people, cab drivers, pool cleaners, scientists, atheists, teachers, U name it, people of every kind will be in Hell awaiting final judgment by God.
Photo © Fred Skymberg
Why do I keep on trying to explain that God is real? Because I know Him, and so can you. Jesus is the only door to Heaven. There is no other name that can save a person. And it does not matter if you are kind or helpful, this alone won't get you to Heaven, because Heaven is a gift, to those who obey the will of the Father, and receive Christ into their lives. I have the Holy Spirit in my life, and I love Him. My life is exciting, He teaches me new things all the time. It's wonderful to see Him do miracles. I have seen loads of healing's in my days, at Christian meetings and elsewhere. I know that the devil can heal people also through "healers" who falsely claim to know God. They heal one part of the body, and attack another in exchange. I would never receive false healing from somebody like that. Stay away from people like that. Those who heal people in Jesus name are generally for real.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 565 - Feb/ 09/ 2009 South Wartzor
"Imagination is more important than knowledge". Albert Einstein
Photo © Fred Skymberg
John Lennon wrote both the songs Imagine and GOD "before" He gave His life to Christ. The Gospel According to the Beatles by Steve Turner reveals that John Lennon at one point considered himself a Christian and had corresponded with Oral Roberts, among others. We all make mistakes on the long and many times winding road to God.
There's just no way of knowing "if" God is real, before you receive Jesus into your heart. Before that "miracle" takes place, you can only "believe", but after the Holy Spirit of God enters your body, you can no longer doubt, because He is REAL!
Act 19:2 and asked them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" They answered, "No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit."
I've said it before, over and over: God has nothing to do with religion, NADA!
Many don't want to listen, some don't even realize that there is a spiritual battle going on over their lives. There is a battle going on right now over Your soul! The fallen angel satan and his evil workers, are right now trying to convince you that God does not exist. One of the devil's fav ploys, is to make people believe that there are many religions that lead to God (not true). No “religion” leads to God, only Jesus can do that!
Eph 6:12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
Not a one religion on planet Earth leads to God! Jesus is the only door to God, He is God's only Son. He sacrificed his life and died in your place, all you need to do is give Him a chance to prove it to you.
Try Him and see that He is good. I did, and it works. I've known God for 33 years, the Holy Spirit and I talk every day. God really loves me us. I never knew that when I tried to drown my sorrows in cheap wine. How was I to know? Nobody had told me about the Holy Spirit, not even the Christians. I didn't know diddly about God.
Act 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Then, all of a sudden God answered my prayer, and the Holy Spirit revealed Himself to me. I was shocked (to say the least), I wasn't ready for it... Now the supernatural has become "natural" to me. God does miracles in my life every week. 2morrow I will hold my first public service at a church, I have no idea what to expect, except God's Grace. I have been on stage, radio, TV, galleries etc. for most of my life, but tomorrow, I will both rap and pray for people, and I'm expecting God to perform miracles. Even if only one person shows. It's all in God's hands. I'm like a puppet on a string, the only difference is that I can unhook the string "if" I like, since I do have a free will. But I'm not going to do that, because I'm totally dependant on God.
Photo © Benjamin Antell
I'll be stepping out of the boat onto the to speak.
--------------------------------------------- Disinformation. I would strongly urge you to stay close to Christ, pray and study your Bible while there is still time. There are enormous amounts of hogwash, especially here on the Internet. It is designed to confuse you. Naturally there are interesting types of information as well, but if you really want to grow spiritually, stick to God's word. As I have "tried" to explain before, the Bible is not a static book, it is supernatural. If you pray to God for guidance before you read, He will let His Holy Spirit explain things to you, which you would not normally experience by simply "reading" His word. Like I've said before, God wants to speak to "you" through His Word. He has told me great many things through the Bible, information which has saved me lot's of time and grief.
It matters not that the "words" were written 2000 years ago, the meaning is 100% accurate and valid today. The Holy Spirit guides me daily, and tell me things in great detail! I'm very excited about His companion-ship, He is such a comfort to me.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 563 - Feb/ 04/ 2009 South Wartzor
Peace, Prayer. Most people seem to think that prayer is about asking God for stuff, as if He were Santa...
That's not why we have prayer. God want's us to spend time with Him, He really wants to be out Father. Just as we need to communicate with each other on Earth, we also need to communicate with our Heavenly Father. God know's what we need, before we ask it. He will see to it that our needs are met, "if" we spend time with Him and get to know Him. He takes care of our needs so that we can do his work.
Mat 6:8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Some can't wait I don't think that means anything to God, everything happens in His time. We have to learn to wait on the Lord, as we keep our ears peeled, so that we can hear the Holy Spirits voice. His voice can be very subtle, that's why we really need to focus carefully, as we spend time with the Father.
Trick photography ca 1988 © Benjamin Antell
Some "dead" religious people think that the Holy Spirit is on vacation. They think that He was only active during the times of the apostles. How blind and deaf can people be? There doesn't seem to be a limit to our folly. I will see the Holy Spirit "in action" tonight at church! He always comes to the Wednesday meetings in Kvevlax. He always shows! Jesus is also there, because He is always present through the Holy Spirit, as 2 or more meet in His name. When I pray for people I often lay one hand on their forehead. Some feel the Holy Spirits touch, “as if” I'm pressing them down, as they fall over slowly. Naturally I don't press my hand on them in any way, I just hold them lightly.
Rom 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Get to know God, before your "eleven" is up!
Uncle Ben's WRITE 562 - Feb/ 03/ 2009 South Wartzor
Peace, Isa 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his youths. Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
Research shows that 87% of illnesses are caused by your your lifestyle.
I've known this for ages, but now science has confirmed that it is true. Naturally I had no idea of the exact percentage... This is why it's important to think positive and to speak positively. Nobody can do it all the time, but it's worth striving for. Besides, this is what God is incessantly talking about in His word. "Forgive", "love" etc...
Only approximately 13% of our sicknesses can be attributed to diet.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 561 - Feb/ 02/ 2009 South Wartzor
Photo © Fred Skymberg
Forget about religions, they are Devil made Mumbo Jumbo! Only Jesus saves.
Isaiah 45:22 "Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.
Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
I have studied lot's of religions, basically because I was an idiot. Most people seem to leave Jesus until last. That's why many get too confused by satan, and never find the meaning of life.
The devil has inspired many weirdo's to look up both Eastern and other religions, and write their books. satan often entices men/women with the promise of fame and/or money. The old dragon satan, wants to destroy everything that God does, by putting out his counterfeit versions of everything Holy. The devil has succeeded in confusing a large part of Earth’s population, with his religions.
2 Cr 11:3 But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
God wants us to spend quality time with Him, and we "can" do this thanks to Jesus!
Mat 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
(That’s why Jews have a Tallit (prayer shawl), covering over their head as they pray, it is a symbol of a room)
2 Cr 11:4 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.
If you receive Jesus into your life, you will experience peace of mind. There is no fear in perfect love. When you receive God's peace, you can also share it with others.
I'm "not" talking about some silly idea or philosophy!
Jesus the Son of God is a real living person, unlike Holy Spirit and God, The Creator is Spirit and Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit. You can actually spend time with God, and he "will" talk to you. He also replies through Jesus and Holy Spirit. I know it might sound strange to a person who had no spiritual life, but it is the truth. It works for me, just like it worked for many others, and I know it will work for you, if you are “serious” about God.
--------------------------------------------- PS, I sometimes highlight words in the scriptures that I quote. Always check your own Bible to confirm God's word! ---------------------------------------------
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