Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 306 - 2007 03 31 South Wartzor
Peace, Miracle Man. Photo © Fred Skymberg 2007 In a way God is very much like "MacGyver". Unlike M's silly "miracles", God does them for real. God doesn't depend on circumstance or anything natural when He does His thing. He works totally in the supernatural. Our brains are too small to understand what God is about. God is a mystery to us in many ways, He says so Himself. Like I've mentioned before, I have probably seen thousands of miracles by now, I've even received a bunch myself. My back was healed in 1976 at Citykyrkan, Stockholm. My grandmother had a cancer tumor removed by God during prayer in Sion församligen Vasa, Finland. My dads fingers were healed at Sion, during a cermon. I could go on 'til the cows came home :-) God is great! All will be revealed at the end though, that He has promised. I think it's a very exciting wait. Rev 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. If you want a miracle in your life, just pray to God in Jesus name. You can come before God in Jesus name, because Jesus has paid for your mistakes by giving His life for you! Here's a prayer that you can say, if you want miracles in your life: "Heavenly Father I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask You to forgive me my sins, and to come into my heart and take over my life. I believe that Jesus died in my place so that I can live. Please guide me as I surrender to you in Jesus name, and please show me my miracle, in Jesus name amen". And now for something completely different: All Israel Will Be Saved Romans 11:25 I do not want you to be ignorant of this
mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has
experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles
has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION®, NIV® Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 305 - 2007 03 30 South Wartzor
Peace, This was my first car a Volvo PV 444 -57. Granny, my sis ans myself 1974 in Vasa. It was smaller than the Buick, but a very nice car. I sold it to a guy after I had some problems with it and I couldn't keep it at home. The guy who bought it took the tires of it and he and his brothers did this... last rusting place... It was in very good condition, so I was very sad to see what they had done to it. Some people can't see the potential in anything, if the exterior looks a tad worn. God is different. He will take any bum in rags and turn him into a prince. That's just the way He is, He doesn't care what a person looks like on the outside. All we need to do is ask and receive, it truly is that simple. I was a complete dork, to be perfectly honest I though mostly of my own comfort. Even though I was a jerk, God saved me and told me that He loves me...He even touched me, so now I can't even doubt that He actually exists :-) So now I live completely for God. I depend on Him for everything. So far He has taken care of me day by day, since I let Him into my heart. Even when I've been disobedient (mostly due to ignorance) He has been with me. He just keeps on forgiving and forgiving. I wish I was like that. It would be fantastic to be able to forgive all those who have hurt me for different reasons, at heart level and not just with words "hoping for the best". Ephesians 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 304 - 2007 03 29 South Wartzor
Peace, This was under my back seat in the old Buick -48 that I bought from Kansas, except for the pen that was inside a door. Not many great great treasures after 50 years on the road :-) Many lives are just as empty. What do you have to show for? I know I haven't got all that much to be proud of... Mat 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. We run around like squirrels on fire most of the time, never sitting down to think life over. One day we burn out... or whatever, and then it's many times too late to rethink...we think. Then we sit there and go, "why didn't I do this or that"? Many take to drowning their sorrows, if they haven't learned anything from life. But hey, It's not over until it's over! God can do anything He wants to do with your life, if You just let Him! He's not going to force Himself on you. You will have to ask Him to come into your life and take over, if you want another shot at it. Just make sure that you are living for Him this time! Look for God first, and then all the rest will come to you, it's a promise. Don't give up, hang in there...it can only get better if you're at rock bottom. Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 303 - 2007 03 28 South Wartzor
Peace, Why is it important to stay away from drugs? Because when you are under the influence, the door to your "inner man" is left open. When your defences are down, the powers of Darkness have easy access to your body. That's why people "go berserk" many times when they are drunk or high on drugs or medication. These vile spirits take over, and people do things that they would normally not do. Some attack people, some start shooting, others destroy stuff around them and some even try to take their own lives. Many times when people sober up, they have no recollection over what "they" have done. One reason why they might not remember, is that they didn't do it, but a spirit did it through them! I'm not saying that this is always the case, but it happens a lot. No drugs are innocent! Any drug can get you into trouble, and most drugs will. There is only ONE who can set you free from drugs, and that is Jesus. If He sets you free, then you are truly free. Rehab can only subdue your addiction, it can never really set you free. Disaster will always be lurking around the corner if you don't ask God to set you free. I have many friends who have been to rehab, and many friends who have met the Lord. The only sturdy ones are the ones that the Lord has set free. They now have clean slates and new lives. I'm not saying that all problems will go away when you receive the Lord, but you will have the strength to carry on. You will also feel content in your heart, with a peace that the world can not offer. Say the prayer below. Let God prove to you that He loves you, and that He can set you free! "Heavenly Father I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask You to forgive me my sins, and to come into my heart and take over my life. I believe that Jesus died in my place so that I can live. Please guide me as I surrender to you in Jesus name, and please set me free from my addiction, in Jesus name amen". Your life will change if you said the prayer honestly, and remember you are saved after this. God has forgotten every single rotten thing that you did wrong, and you should forgive yourself also, don't bring the sins up ever again...God has promised to forget them.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 302 - 2007 03 27 South Wartzor
Peace, Every time that God's Holy Spirit wakes up a sleepy church, there's instantly a bunch of people who say "it's the devil" or "they are crazy"...or "it's the same in Africa" (witch doctors etc.) Nessie © Fred Skymberg It's always the same. On the Day of the Pentecost, people in the street thought that the deciples were drunk! I don't think it gets any clearer than that :-) The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost 1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues* as the Spirit enabled them. It's often like that when we give the Holy Spirit room in our lives, and welcome Him. Weird stuff begins to happen, but it's always positive! Nobody ever gets hurt, or anything weird like that. What happens is simply wonderful, hard to understand of course since there is really nothing on Earth to compare these things with. But that is how the things of God are, strange to us who walk "in the flesh" most of the time. It's so easy to sit there and criticize, but only a fool would say that it isn't God's Spirit who moves people at Christian meetings! If you don't have God's spirit, then you are spiritually blind. I'm not saying this to be mean, it's just a statement of fact. There's no way you can study to become a Christian! It doesn't work that way. You have to be born of spirit and water to understand a little bit of it all. You have to receive Jesus, get baptized as a sign that you have changed your way of life, and then receive the Holy Spirit and His gifts. John 9:41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. I was once like that (blind as a brick), but most of the time I had the decency to shut up about things I didn't understand. I'm thankful for that now :-) It makes me sad to see when people in their stupidity make fun of the works of the Holy Spirit. He is a true Gentleman, and never forces Himself on anybody. The manifestations may look strange to us, but they are wonderful to experience, and they are not there merely for show...they go deeper than that. Those who criticize are often jealous of those who dare, or just too proud to try God for themselves. Others again are simply cowards, and there is no room for cowards in Heaven.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 301 - 2007 03 26 South Wartzor
Peace, The sunshine is shining! Photo © Fred Skymberg. I know a little girl Emma who was in a car crash, and got her head cracked. She also went blind on one eye, she is badly hurt. Somehow she made it though. According to the doctors, she will have to undergo corrective surgery as long as she grows, because of her skull injury. Could you please help me pray more for her? It was probably prayers that made her pull through anyway. Her spirits are high even though she's been to Hell and back, basically she is a very positive young lady. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of her, I only really know her dad even though I have met Emma myself. She doesn't live around here, so I don't get to see her often. Please say a prayer for her so that God will hear us again and heal her completely, and end her painful operations. Thanks!
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 300 - 2007 03 25 South Wartzor
Peace, Perhaps I should move here... Photo © Dan Kronqvist, Valencia 2007
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 299 - 2007 03 24 South Wartzor
Peace, The Vikings used to mix this toxic mushroom in their Mead before battle. Photo © Fred Skymberg I wonder how many of them went to "Valhalla" before they found the right balance for the mix. The mushroom is called a Fly Sponge in Swedish :-) It reminds me of sin. If we let a little sin into our lives, it will eventually take over everything. If we are unlucky it might even kill us. In that respect the Fly Sponge is a perfect metaphor, because the devil is called the lord of the flies, he is toxic and he sucks big time. To sin, is to go against your own conscience Everybody knows right from wrong in the early stages of our lives, because of our conscience. It's a gift from God. We can destroy our conscience by not paying attention to it. That will harden our hearts and take us further from God and truth. Some people have had their consciences destroyed by getting raped or being subject to incest. It's a terrible thing to be the victim of, and most people never heal from it. Demonic possession is very common in these cases, why I don't know but it's something that God has shown me. Guilt is also a common demon in incest. Jesus Christ is the ONLY one who can heal a person from a hurt of this magnitude. Anyone who receives Christ as their Savior will be set free. Some difficult cases might require extra fasting and prayer, but there will be a total healing of mind and spirit through Christ. Photo © Fred Skymberg It is however vital that you forgive the evil person who has wronged you. This can seem like an impossible task for many, that is why it takes prayer. For God nothing is impossible, He can change our hearts and attitudes like nobody can. If we ask Him for help, he will never let us down, we have His word on that. Luk 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Mar 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Mat 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 298 - 2007 03 23 South Wartzor
Peace, Patience is important in life. Have you ever seen a Praying Mantis? They sit waiting diligently for their lunch to be of guard...and then...WHAAM! It's the same with everything in life, nothing comes easy. I had to wait almost 5 years once. I can never figure out how God's mind works, but then again nobody can. Time seems to be our largest problem on Earth. We always tend to think that we don't have enough of it, but if we obey God we have exactly the amount of time we are supposed to have. A friend of a friend just died, dropped dead all of a sudden. That's how it is with life, when our agenda is full we die, no matter what. That's why it's so important that we follow God's blueprint for our lives, instead of just doing our own ego dance. Use your time wisely, say the prayer below. Let God prove to you that He loves you! "Heavenly Father I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask You to forgive me my sins, and to come into my heart and take over my life. I believe that Jesus died in my place so that I can live. Please guide me as I surrender to you in Jesus name, amen". Your life will change if you said the prayer honestly, and remember you are saved after this. God has forgotten every single rotten thing that you did wrong, and you should forgive yourself also, don't bring the sins up ever again...they are gone with the wind.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 297 - 2007 03 22 South Wartzor
Peace, Helmets :-) Photo © Fred Skymberg As Christians we need to wear a helmet of salvation, to keep us safe from the prosecuters arrows. The Armor of God Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions
with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and
always keep on praying for all the saints. Jesus told us to pray incessantly. I don't think we pray half as much as we ought to. What about our own family and friends? They are our responsibility, we can't expect somebody else to step in and do our part.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION®, NIV® Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 296 - 2007 03 21 South Wartzor
Peace, Europe and many western countries are very blessed compared to the east. This is due to the fact that we are Christian countries. Just look at the state of ungodly countries in the world. They worship demi gods and they live in misery and even starvation in many cases. I've heard that they have 330 million demi gods in India... Like everything else in eastern religions, numbers seem to be relative. I do know that they have great problems with evil spirits (fallen angels), and the spirits often pretend that they are gods. The eastern countries have no infra structure to speak of, not much seems to work. There is crap all over the place, I really feel for them, and hope that the message of salvation through Christ will reach them all soon. Now we on the other hand are sawing of the branch of prosperity that we are perched on... We ban prayer and Christian education in our schools, this can come to no good. If God pulls back His mighty hand from our land, we will be "up the creek without a paddle". As far as I'm concerned I think that we are incredibly stupid, and above all totally blind spiritually. We are so well off financially and proud that we think it's our own doing, and that we can make it without God. In school our children are being taught more about these eastern religions instead of salvation through Christ. We also educate them in Evolutionist Fundamentalist nonsense, so when they come out of school they will have so many pre conceived ideas, that they will have a (excuse the expression) a Hell of a time trying to think for themselves. It will be very hard for these spiritually crippled and misinformed children to get their lives on track. They have no basic knowledge of Christianity, they will be spiritually crippled...many for life. Some children who could have had wonderful spirit filled lives, will end up as miserable alcoholics and drug addicts. Others will look for contentment in eastern religions, satanism, politics, sex or materialism. This is the kind of school system we have... We rebel against God, sometimes without even realizing it. Some people who are angry at God for different reasons, go out of their way to ruin life for others, by not letting them know about Christ etc. The basic reason for the struggle is of course the fact that it's a spiritual battle. It is plainly described here: Ephesians 66:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. The whole caboodle is a war between good and evil, just like it has been ever since Eve snitched the first apple, and sin (disobedience, witchcraft) came into the world. Teachers who take part in ruining these children's lives will be severely punished: Mar 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of [these] little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. Luk 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Personally I don't understand how someone can teach children this Evolution garbage or eastern religions with a straight face. I could not have done it, even before I was a Christian, because I don't believe in teaching people theories as if they are the truth. At least the New Testament is full of love and positive teaching. Eastern religions have nothing to do with God, and Evolution Fundamentalism has nothing to do with reality, they are just dreams and fantasies of spiritually blind men, mixed with a little data in desperate hope of convincing others that we are basically animals. I used to believe that all religions were one, but since meeting God I know that Jesus is the ONLY door to God. And yes, I have met God as clear as day, just like millions of other people. He is a reality, and if you feel slightly drawn to Him, it's because He is pulling you towards Him. It is your choice however, He will not force Himself on anybody! You will have to ask to receive. Just pray: Heavenly Father I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask You to forgive me my sins, and to come into my heart and take over my life. I believe that Jesus died in my place so that I can live. Please guide me as I surrender to you in Jesus name, amen. Now your life will change if you said the prayer honestly, and remember you are saved after this. God has forgotten every single rotten thing that you did wrong, and you should forgive yourself also, don't bring the sins up ever again...they are gone with the wind.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 295 - 2007 03 20 South Wartzor
Peace, I've won a million Euros again :-) Check out my http://antell.com/lottery.html page. Some people think about money constantly, I suppose it's some kind of disease. As long as that's the case people will try to rip you off. A friend of a friend had his bank account emptied after he sent his number etc. to a crook, and there are many of those around. I'm sad for the not so bright, and the poor people who get tricked. They can get their life savings stolen just like that. I'm happy as long as I have a roof over my head and food for the day. That's all we need basically. Some point at my studio, but the gear I have in my studio are only tools for creating with. Photo © Fred Skymberg 2007 They don't mean anything more than just that to me. Some say, why don't you sell this and that? I think that's a pretty stupid thing to say actually. Would you ask a mechanic to sell his tools? I think not. I dont care what happens to it when I'm gone. I do hope somebody puts it into good use though. I used to be caught in the hamster wheel with the rest of the yuppies... Even though it hurt, I'm happy that I finally fell out. There's so much more to life than working for the Man. Naturally I'm not telling anyone to be lazy, but there are many people out there who need to find the meaning of life. Since I have found it, I'm trying to share, and I'm doing it for free. Acts 20:32 “Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. 33 I have not coveted anyone's silver or gold or clothing. 34 You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. 35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION®, NIV® Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 294 - 2007 03 19 South Wartzor
Peace, Silly stuff, I'm a silly person sometimes. There was a warning issued the other day on the news that the ice on the sea is melting. The general public was told not to go out on the ice... Being a rock star I rented a limousine yesterday with a brave driver to find out: why :-) Splash! Splash 2...and gurgle... Bouncing around on the Gerby ice we could see the Wasa coastline...through the mist It took a while before the limo started going boing boing on the ice, and the limo sinking slightly...so I wouldn't recommend going out there any more. I told the my driver to stop and check the thickness of the ice... It was warm and cozy inside the limo, but I could tell from the driver shivering that it was probably very cold in the wind outside. I was getting hot inside so I told my driver to scoop me some ice for my Coke. The driver looked coldish... Although brave, the driver who was named after a bunch of trees (Asplund), declined to go out another time, so that I could get the Mega-splash we created when we got ashore...oh well. The material we filmed on the ice will become a new Ben Antell Band music video any day now. We will post it on youtube.com (it's there now :-) I once read an article that my Lord Jesus actually walked on ice instead of wate hahahahahaha... By claiming this they do know that Jesus was on Earth at that time. However the scientist fundamentalists ( a little title I've made up) claimed that ice can appear in over night in Israel...hmm... In this case however it would have had to appear very quickly since were talking about a sea trip, in a stormy sea :-) You'd really have to be a "religious science fundamentalist" or the bluntest pen in the pencil box to believe a crock like that. A stormy sea can't freeze in a few seconds duh. Mat 14:25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went
unto them, walking on the sea. Mat 14:26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the
sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for
fear. John 6:19 So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 293 - 2007 03 17 South Wartzor
Peace, Fear tattooed iris The tracks are slowly fading sister wind is diligently swaying though the builders are long gone and the ruins of the world they built are falling none of their works could save them they were driven into the pavement fists raised to the One who could save them because their hearts were cold as the bell foreboding
they looked to their Gods to save them the brass, the silver, the purest gold, AU24 science, technology all the rubble burst in the bubble they said they could not conform because the times were changing
but grass will be green and skies will be blue no matter Sco, no matter bidoo The word remains the truth won't flicker no matter how the plot may thicken
the few who lent an ear left before the Year before the mountains crumbled into the sea they tumbled before the wine flowed down the slopes of 'Geddon
in death they found no comfort the reaper's scythe...discarded as they ran from town to hamlet fear tattooed iris
the sons were watching as the planet cindered ashes to ashes word for word thrice they wared and the trumpet mourned it is finished.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 292 - 2007 03 16 South Wartzor
Peace, It's hard living on the border. God want's us to live 100% for Him. Going to church on Sunday and living like the devil the rest of the week isn't going to cut it. We all have to choose One or the other. I wrote a song about it once: Living on the border mind. It will soon be the hour it will soon be the hour And it's so hard so hard living on the
border-mind It will soon be the hour It will soon be the hour It will soon be the hour It will soon be the hour And it's so hard, so hard living on the
border-mind living on the border-mind He really believes that you can be friends with both the devil and God... He doesn't want to rock the boat by taking a stand. It really doesn't work that way. God kicked the devil out of Heaven a long time ago. The devil is a loser, he will never be anything more than that, he has lost the battle. If you don't belong to God, then you are fair game to him. The devil can kick you around, or just lure you into thinking that everything is OK. Either way he will try to kill you, that is his sick agenda. Follow him and you won't see Heaven that's for sure, and believe me you don't want to go to Hell. Some people who don't know the Lord, think that Heaven is a boring place. That's just about the" stupedestest" remark I've ever heard :-) I assure you that the devil is alive , but I wouldn't say well because he is vindictive and angry. His innermost wish is to kill and mislead as many as possible. He is very good at it too, he has practiced for thousands of years. He knows exactly which buttons to push. The fallen angels that work with him have names that describe their mission, like Hate, Pride, Disbelief, Drums, (they have all kinds of weird names :-) these are just a few of those I've run across. This is why it's important that you receive Jesus into your life. Once you have surrendered to Him, you are His property and the devil no longer has any claim to you. Which he does have as long as you haven't received Jesus. That's just the way it is, go figure. I know all this is true and not just a bunch of theories, I've experienced all that I write about. I would not be writing this if it were my own ideas, I have other things to do. I'm just obeying the Father. Photo © Fred Skymberg 2006 Tell Jesus to forgive you your sins (we all sin) and ask Him to move into your heart, you won't regret it. Life can be very interesting, if you let God take over.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 291 - 2007 03 15 South Wartzor
Peace, My friend Maz has a bug of some sort, could you help pray for him please? Pontus is doing a LOT better now, looks like God is answering all prayers at the moment :-) OBSERVE:!!! The ONE concert is not on, because THE OSLO GOSPEL CHOIR is coming to Vasa Yrkesinstitut (f.d. Handelsläroverket) this Saturday March 17 at 1900 hrs. And to Runebergssalen Jakobstad on the 18th at 1400 hrs.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has again (part 4) updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 290 - 2007 03 14 South Wartzor
Peace, People ask me how they can get some meaning into their lives. Photo © Fred Skymberg 2007 The answer is really simple, just ask Jesus into your hearts. I've said it over and over, but your lives WILL change. I've gone through the change myself. It's a miracle and it really is true. God gives my life meaning. I lived a lot for myself before I met God, I was pretty comfortable. I didn't go out of my way to help others, if it meant that I would be uncomfortable. But that has changed now, thanks to God. I've noticed that by helping others I feel better, it's nice to help. It's not like I haven't helped people before, but I've taken it a step further. I think God has done that in my life. I love people more now than before, even one guy who hates me just because I'm a Christian. God tells us to love our enemies, to bless those who curse us. I believe there's a secret in that, you will be blessed yourself if you obey God. Luk 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and [to] the evil. I'm not afraid of anything and I know that God loves, me He has proved that hundreds of times if not more. I know that when I die physically I will join the Father in Heaven. I even long for it now. When we are born again, we actually die from the world, so we who accept Jesus are already in Heaven spiritually speaking. We just haven't left our bodily vessels yet. God once showed me how it feels to leave the body, it was really awesome. Can't wait to get to do it for forever. You only have to say a short prayer and mean it, to get a new life in Christ. Here's a short one I put together, if you don't know what to say: The Prayer, the key to real life. Heavenly Father I come before you in Jesus name, and I ask you to forgive me all my sins. Come into my heart and make me the man/woman that you want me to be. Show me the blueprint for my life. I believe that Jesus rose from the dead in my place. Amen You will notice a bad conscience over different things in your life. Just stop doing them and ask the Father to forgive you for them. Once is enough, God forgives and forgets! You might be used to cursing, taking drugs, abusing alcohol, all kinds of things that are bad for you. Telling lies, badmouthing people etc. etc. All these things can hurt your spirit and body. Some stuff God takes away on the spot , and some you can get rid of just like that, the rest will fall away gradually, as your spiritual man grows. God took away my craving for tobacco, when I gave my life to Him. I just kinda forgot to smoke. I'm not saying that you will go to Hell for smoking, but you should stop doing what's bad for you, because now your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Honor God with your life and all will be well. 1 Cr 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and you are not your own?
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 289 - 2007 03 13 South Wartzor
Genetically Engineered Crops GMO = GREED On the news in Sweden today. It's a fact now that genetically modified Corn is unfit for both Humans and animals! It is right out dangerous to your health. It affects the liver, kidneys, blood, sugars...a bit of all vital organs in your body. Genetically Engineered Crops will probably be banned in Europe soon (hopefully), although the powers that be say that they are good for business. I wonder if greed will win this battle against reason.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION®, NIV® Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 288 - 2007 03 12 South Wartzor
Peace, It's getting near dawn. The spiritual war is getting more intense by the minute, as the end draws near. I'm not saying that it will happen tomorrow, but then again who knows? Eph 6:12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. Many are desperately trying to make you believe that there is no God. That Jesus was just another politician or something, but not who He really is. The Son of God, our only door to the Father. Don't let them fool you, check out the Lord for yourself! Ask God to take over your life in Jesus name and forgive you your sins, and He will! Jesus will come as a thief in the night, and He won't come knocking... It's important that you make a stand while you have the chance. After you are dead, it's simply too late! 1Th 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. I saw a lot of the devil's Massive Confusion Propaganda on the otherwise cool Youtube. They are showing many doctored films from Christian meetings etc. A lot of it is pure Hu Ha, much of it is pretty disturbing. Anybody watching them will definitely become confused, but then again that is what the devil wants. He is such a bad loser. I'm sad for all those who aren't born again and watch the garbage, they will only become more confused. Nobody is perfect, but that doesn't necessarily make a person a BAD person. I don't believe that we are supposed to build ourselves castles here on Earth. Some people are meant to be rich, others poor. I don't know why that is, but it seems to be pretty logical to me, only God can decide that. A poor person isn't necessarily a sad person, on the contrary many poor people seem to be very happy and content. There was a time in my life when I was completely broke, I even starved for weeks at a time. I had nothing to eat at all...nothing. I didn't know God back then. Since I've been a Christian I have never had to go without food, for which I'm truly grateful. If somebody "seems" to be misusing funds, don't let that be your excuse not to follow the Lord! It's an easy way to cop out, but you'll have no excuse when you stand in front of the throne on Judgment day. Your sentence won't be any lighter just because you can point at somebody else, whom you feel is doing the wrong thing. It doesn't work that way :-) A lot of it has to do with our attitude. I don't believe that anybody is supposed to starve though. I believe that God expects us to help and feed each other. I believe that He requires that of us! We are not supposed to live for ourselves, but to live for others, and share what we can. Nobody needs to starve on this Earth, if it happens it is our own doing. There is food enough for everybody, anyone who claims differently is a dork, a complete ass. No preacher is perfect, and you and I aren't perfect either. So why throw stones at each other when we all sit in glass houses? We are all sinner, we all make mistakes. I'm sure that God is happy if we obey Him and try to do our best. Many so called Christian organizations, are trying to discredit each others. This is so stupid, we who are Christians are not supposed to criticize each other, especially not in public. No good can come of it. I saw a Foundation that is investigating Benny Hinn on Youtube... Why waste everybody's time like that? The Foundation lives on grants and handouts themselves, so why criticize Benny Hinn? Benny Hinn is doing massive things for the Lord, leading millions of people to the Lord. I'm not saying that Benny is perfect, nobody is. But it seems to me like he's doing what the apostles did, and I don't see anything wrong in that. Benny is raising lots of money for the mission, I see that as a good thing because it is expensive to do the rally's and projects that he is into. I also believe that Benny is responsible for the wealth that he is distributing. If Benny is using any of it wrongly, God will whop his ass for it. I don't believe that we are supposed to condemn or accuse Benny for anything. Prosperity always makes people jealous, always has done and it always will :-) I would never ask people for money, but I can't condemn Benny for doing it because I don't know what the Lord is telling Benny to do. That's between Benny and the Lord. I don't believe that we as Christians are supposed to condemn any people. There is only ONE judge and that is the Lord. I also saw videos that made fun of certain acts of the Holy Spirit. It is not uncommon that people fall over when the Holy Spirit is over them. There's nothing strange about it. However if you have never experienced the Lord, you can't understand what is going on! There's just no way for you to "get it". I know because I wasn't always a Christian! I didn't understand anything before God touched me, and turned on my spiritual head lights. All Christians (who are born again) have different spiritual gifts. Rodney Howard Browne has a special gift, to make people happy in the Lord. At his meetings people often start laughing in the Spirit. This is nothing new, the apostles were accused of being drunk at noon :-) I'm sure that some meetings might look a lot like a lunatic asylums for many who aren't Christians...so what? So does the audience at a football match! The difference between a loony bin and the meetings, is that everybody is filled with joy at the meetings and nobody at an asylum is happy. I enjoy being happy in the Lord, how else could I stand this evil world? There's nothing to be afraid of at these meetings. God does not force Himself on anybody! But if you are receptive to the Lord, watch out...you might become very happy :-) Some people are so depressed in toady's society that they can't even laugh! I saw Rodney Howard Browne coaching the really sad ones to laugh :-) mean guru... There's a guru on Youtube who picked up on that, and made fun of laughter in the Holy Spirit. I could tell that he was a tormented soul himself. Instead of seeking the Lord he is trying to steal the prospect of happiness from others. I found that really sad, what a mean old guru. Oh yeah another thing... The music at the beginning of meetings, has nothing to do with conjuring up feelings of emotion, like pagans (nonbelievers) believe! Some preacher "might" misuse the music, but that's his/her problem. Praise music paves the way for the Holy Spirit! When we praise the Lord through music and song (from our hearts), I sometimes feel when Jesus enters the stage or the Holy Spirit fills the church. The music is our way to welcome the Holy Spirit. The Praise music is like a giant broomstick, which wipes the spiritual floor clean before the Lord, inviting Him in. Many deceiving spirits leave when we sing (not just due to our singing ability :-) I don't like to talk about evil spirits, fallen angels, demons etc. but they are a reality...a real pain in the neck sometimes. They are only a bunch of fallen angels trying to mess with our heads, because they have nothing better to do. They are NOT important in any way! But it's important that everybody knows that they are real, so that we can point to the door in Jesus name when they come around to try and ruin the day.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 287 - 2007 03 09 South Wartzor
Peace, Everything ain't exactly coming up roses all the time, sometimes I feel like King David in this rap of his to the Lord: Psalm 119 ...25 I am laid low in the dust; It seems to take a whole lot of time for some people like me, to really hear the difference between my own fantasies and the Lord's voice. I guess you really have to spend a LOT of time with Him, to hear the difference. Then again, some people hear Him clearly from the beginning. Worries of the world, money, rent, the mortgage and all kinds of rubble got in my way. This is me after meeting God and getting a trumpet from Lennart Hallgren, thanks Lenny! I guess I began trusting in myself too much, instead of dumping it on the Lord. I focused too much on the bills and not enough on the Lord...silly me. Now I dump almost everything on the Lord :-) Naturally I do what I can to keep things rolling (the little I can), and the Lord takes care of the rest (the stuff I can't manage). I do wish I could trust the Lord completely all the time, that way I wouldn't have to feel any stress when the waves of the world lick my door.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION®, NIV® Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 286 - 2007 03 08 South Wartzor
Peace, Whoa I'm falling free! I let go of everything about a year ago. I thought that I had surrendered to the Lord completely, but deep down inside I had my hand on the safety handle all the time... I guess I was kinda afraid of letting go completely. The Lord is my sword and buckler. Now all I need is nerves of steel :-)
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben PS. Pontus has updated his link: pontus hospital blog.html Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 285 - 2007 03 07 South Wartzor
Peace, Evolutionist Fundamentalists Evolution is a shallow wish People have always been desperate to explain how the world works, You can only go back and date things that are about 1500 years old (with any accuracy, using the Carbon 14 method, said one recent report). I know personally that Carbon 14 dating is totally unreliable, you need a lot of wishful thinking to make it work :-) Of course scientists are debating and even fighting about this, like always :-) You need religious beliefs in Carbon 14 to make it work in the long run :-) When God said that he created the world in 6 days, I definitely don't think that He meant it literally...! 2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. He also said that a day to Him is like a thousand days to Man. I don't think you should take that literally either, I think it's just a figure of speech. Psa 90:4 For a thousand years in thy sight [are but] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night. If I were God and tried to explain time to a bunch of dumbbells, that's how I'd put it, because it's not important! At least not when you have met God Himself. Like I have and millions with me :-) The Evolutionist Fundamentalists (a little title I've made up) are trying to make a hen out of a feather. It's not going to work. Magicians Penn and Teller were on the tube last night. They are pretty funny fellows normally, but yesterday they disappointed me by dissing the scientist D.T. Gish. They tried to make a fool of Dr. Gish and we who believe that God has created the world. They sloppily used the 6 day argument, I really didn't think they would stoop so low. Evolution seems to have become a religion to P&T also, what a shame. It's important to be objective, if you don't want to lose your credibility. I don't really understand how some people adamantly have a need to discredit God. I guess the only explanation lies in Ephesians 6. On the other hand, God Himself says that the Gospel is foolishness, but that is how He planned it. 1Cr 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned. The Gospel is planned so that even idiots can find God. Heaven would be a terrible place to be, if only "intellectual" people could get there. The whole idea has a Hitlerish ring to it, ethnic cleaning... 1Cr 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. I'm not saying that all "Evolutionist Fundamentalists" are idiots :-) But when you base everything on a sloppy idea, everything will collapse at the end of the day. In other words science IS just another religion. t...ape I did the cover for a D.T. Gish tape series about "Evolution versus Creationism" once. It was very enlightening! Among other things I heard that the oldest known fossil at the time (1975) was a bat, and it looks exactly like modern bats! So where is the evolution for bats? Some Evolution Fundamentalists are many times so desperate that they even fabricate stuff! 1912 Piltdown man is perhaps one of the largest hoaxes in history. Nebraska man another, they never existed, and yet they are in our history books! Piltdown man consisted of a half ape skull and a half human skull filed together :-) Below is a photo of Piltdown man, as the scientists imagined him. Isn't it weird how much they can conjure up, just from nothing! If this is a "scientific" rendering of Piltdown man, then how much else is pure fiction??? Piltdown man 1922 Nebraska man and his village, and how he lived, was based on a pigs tooth! Some scientist now claim that they never really believed in the NM, they are probably ashamed :-) It must be painful to them that Nebraska man made a monkey out of them... I've mentioned these 2 earlier. But these are only 2 of many weird stories Evolutionist Fundamentalists have cooked up. Evolution is NOT about facts, it's just a myriad of BS, written by Atheists. To me Science is a a lot of Huu Haa, much of the time. Mostly due to the lack of foundation. As long as it's based on religiously crafted theories like "God does not exist and Carbon 14 rules", it will alway be rubbish. Shame on you Evolutionist/Science Fundamentalists for hiding your lack of knowledge from the peoples. Man only knows a tinny winny bit of what is really going on, we are all legends in our own tiny minds :-)
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 284 - 2007 03 06 South Wartzor
Peace, Pontus News (check write 270 Feb.)! Just got the news, God has healed Pontus liver and kidneys. The doctor scratched his head. -"this is going better than we expected"... He still needs to get his legs working. Thanks for your prayers!
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 283 - 2007 03 05 South Wartzor
Peace, A good friend of mine wound up becoming a Buddhist, just because I was poor at leading people to the Lord when I was younger. Nobody had taught me how to do it. I know it might sound silly, but I really didn't have brains enough to say a short prayer with them. Basically all you need to do is to invite Jesus into your life and to ask Him to forgive you for your sins. After this your life will change, and you with it. If that doesn't happed seek councelling from some born again minister. My friend is now a Buddhist, I'm so sorry for him. It will be hard for him to ever find God again, because of the demonic nature of that and other eastern religions. Those religions have an iron grip of their followers, and it's almost impossible to leave. Jesus can of course set anyone free, but to look for Jesus is hard for a Buddhist.
The last time I talked to my friend, he used bible verses like the Palestinians use rocks. He was throwing them randomly at me with no respect what so ever. That's what happens when you have no spiritual insight. All Buddhist that I've talked to have had different ideas about Buddhism, they don't seem to get along much. The ones in Tibet and the surrounding countries are afraid of the spirits, and do all they can to please them. He told me that he was going out to a retreat in the desert outside San Francisco, where a Buddhist guru was going to tell him what Christianity is all about. How could a Buddhist guru possibly know what Christianity is about??? Were is the logic in that??? If he did, he would himself turn to Christ. Nobody knows who God is, without the insight of the Holy Spirit. Some evil spirits (fallen angels) call themselves the Holy Spirit, in hope of deceiving people whao aren't born again. Some of them are masters of deception. Others are just plain stupid, I don't know why that is but this is something I've noticed. Just don't listen to them if they start talking, tell them to shut up in Jesus name. 1Cr 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1Cr 1:23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; I feel terrible about letting my friend down. He could have had a wonderful life in Jesus, and now (unless a miracle happens) he will end up in Hell an eventually in the Lake of Fire. Nobody who hasn't met Jesus on a personal level can possibly know what Christianity is about . It's IMPOSSIBLE. Sure you can talk about Christianity as a religion, but religions have never saved a single soul! Only Jesus saves, there's no way around it :-) When you surrender to Jesus, and ask Him to come into your heart, your life WILL change. (If you are on the level). Your life will never be the same! My life changed completely. Some people need grammar to learn new languages, I never did. Those who use grammatical rules will make silly mistakes now and then, if they have no ear for languages. It's just the same with the spiritual world, there is no grammar, no real logic that you can study to understand it. 1Cr 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. All you need to do is to ask Jesus to move into your heart. After that you need to learn to learn to listen, if you are going to hear Him speak through the Holy Spirit directly to your heart. Read the Bible, preferably the King James version (not the New King James it's not so good). If you don't understand the old English language you might try the New International version. Start with the New Testament, and pray before you read! Go here if you want to compare Bibles, or read online for FREE: http://www.blueletterbible.org/
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 282 - 2007 03 04 South Wartzor
Peace, I asked my friend Michelle, the one who told me to share my life with you, to also share her experiences. Here is her first write. (Michelle has a husband Mike and their daughter's name is Alex) > Well Benj it all started in 1995 when Alex was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, now known as type 1. I was laying in the hospital beside Alex and Mike was snoring
in the chair. I laid my head down and I said out loud in the dark, "God
if you are real, like people say, like I could talk and have a
relationship with you, one where I know you will watch over my baby
when I sleep, because if there isn't such a thing then I will never
sleep again, I need to know if you are real and if that is possible?" I
laid there and I heard, no with my ears but it might as well of been,
because it seemed to come from around me in the room, this voice said,
"I am here you can sleep." Immediately I was afraid and looked around
the room to see if Mike was talking in his sleep but he was snoring
away. So I covered up my head because I used to be a chicken and afraid
of that stuff and I said, "God was that you?" And I heard again, "It is
me you can sleep." So I slept. Alex was just 2 years old then so I
remember I would be awaken in the middle of the night for no reason and
have this knowing or urge to check Alex's blood sugar and I would
always catch her when she was low. Then one night we were both watching
that TV show, "Touched by an Angel." The angel was floating in the room
and Alex got up and walked to the TV and said, "mommy that is like the
angel that brushes my hair at night." I will write more later.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben
Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 281 - 2007 03 03 South Wartzor
Peace, Please pray for Pontus (check write 270 Feb.) today, he is in the hospital again, he is really ill.
Here he is with a friend, the last time he was in. I'm going to see him now.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 280 - 2007 03 02 South Wartzor
Peace, The devil is having a field day with his latest con. (I don't actually believe that the devil looks like this. I believe that he can look like anything he wants to, he is a shapeshifter like all demons. The reason why I portray him this way, is that his mind probably looks like this) James Cameron finds the grave of Jesus & Son...poor James. He is probably desperate to receive yet another Oscar... Once again the devil is looking for fools to spin his messages. Many are buying into the joke, claiming that Jesus was "just a man", that he married and had children. The Tomb of Christ was guarded, read Matthew 27 below: The Guard at the Tomb 62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. 63 “Sir,” they said, “we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’ 64 So give the order for the tomb to be made
secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal
the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead.
This last deception will be worse than the first.” 65 “Take a guard,” Pilate answered. “Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.” 66 So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard. That's what satan has been trying to get people to believe ever since he had Jesus temporarily killed. It's very important for the devil to lure people into believing that Jesus was just another guy... If people believe it, they will be lost forever and that is exactly what satan wants. John 9:41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. There were many people by the name of Joseph, Jesus, and Mary during Jesus time on Earth. I feel sad for all the people who haven't met Jesus as I have, alive and well. Jesus is very much alive, and the Gospel is true. How do I know? I took God at His word and tried Him. He answered me, and even touched me physically. This can happen to you also, if you really want to know God! I was shocked for a second, when it happened, because I never thought that I'd actually get to meet God here and now! But I did and I'm very grateful. I have seen Jesus a couple of times. He looked as if He was in his 30's, man does He have a charisma. He looked a lot like the paintings I have seen of Him, but I could never paint what I saw...it's strange to have seen someone that is impossible to paint. I think I know what He looks like, but when I pick up a brush I just can't paint Him. At least no so far. If you don't believe me, I'm not going to worry about it. People doubted Jesus when He walked the Earth woke up dead people, healed the sick from ALL diseases and finally rose up from the grave. Jesus still heals people at meetings! Last week 15 people got healed in a church outside Stockholm, a friend of mine was there. I've been healed from a destroyed back in 1976. I was healed at Citykyrkan in Stockholm. Some people claim that there are no real healings taking place, but they have never been to meetings. I know people who have documentation...before and after their healings! One of the coolest healings that I know of, was when they were going to remove a large tumor from my grandmothers stomach, and God removed it the night before the operation. Here's Granny to the far right © Benjamin Antell The doctors had tho tumor on x-ray photos, yet after prayer in church it was gone! Never to be found again. A little girl had a vision in church during prayer, she saw an angel pull the tumor out. The little girl thought that the angel was a baker :-) Hah, let Robin Hood put that in his pipe and smoke it!
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION®, NIV® Uncle Ben's (Almost Daily) WRITE 279 - 2007 03 01 South Wartzor
Peace, Look at this sucker! This is the kind of frog that made my mom screech in the night when we lived Down Under.
I used to watch them sit on our windows at night and watch our TV. They have suction cups on their toes. They feel a bit like cold rubbery jelly. Jesus said: Mattew 10:37 “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. That's the cool thing about taking up the cross and following Jesus. You think that you are losing something
by doing it, but you actually find your place in life, and with it joy
and contentment. 40 “He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me. Through Jesus you receive God the Father and the Holy Spirit your teacher. Without the Holy Spirit, you can't really grow spiritually. He is the one who guides us through it all. He is your lamp when you read the Bible, he is the healing power that flows through you as you pray for the sick and lonely. Many people actually feel His presence physically as He heals them. He is like a refreshing rain falling on me as I pray. 41 Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and anyone who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man's reward. 42 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” In the early days of my new life, I was afraid of promising God too much. Eventually I realized that you have to let go, and just walk on water in faith. Now I feel that I'm really on my way, I still can't se the forest for the trees, but I'm getting there :-) When God calls us to do something, He will take care of the economy etc. If we do what we can if faith, then He will take care of the rest. I once worked for a company that among other things printed Christian literature.We didn't have any economical strategy or anything (not that I knew of anyway), just a word from God.
We walked on water for years, not knowing where the rent money would come from the following month. The space we rented was really huge in the center of Stockholm. God carried us from one project to another. I was there for a year, just after I'd met God. We had food for the day and a roof over our heads, that was it. It was the happiest time of my life.
Whatever you do, don't let the devil get you, Uncle Ben THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
I'm not trying to put anyone down with my Write. I'm just trying to convey what God has put on my heart. I also feel that that life is too short, to just shut up and go with the flow when people suffer under all kinds of bondage, when they could in fact be set free in Christ. (There is more info about me on the antell.com site, for those who R curious). All Graphics, art and most photography © Benjamin Antell 2006. You may link to this site if you wish. Images may be used by written permission. From BIG BEN, BOX 325, FIN-65101 VASA, FINLAND -or- Press here X marks the spot. Sweden Photographer Fred Skymberg: Fred Skymberg. Address : Tennisvägen 32, S-17553
Järfälla USA Photographer John Kendall http://www.vintage-electronics.com/ England Photographer Caroline Antell Finland Photographer Marléne Antell Australia Photographer Steve Reinthal Benny Antell, Ben Antell, Benjamin Antell |