Uncle Ben's WRITE 635 - Aug/30/ AA 2009 South Wartzor
Read the New Testament if you want to know God. Leave the Old Testament for later, it is difficult to understand for a beginner. The New Testament is Jesus' legacy to mankind. We are saved through His sacrifice and nothing else. His blood was sacrificed instead of ours, in our place, for our sins. Isn't it great to know that you can be saved, simply by repenting and asking forgiveness for your sins, and receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior? It's so simple that many miss the whole thing completely. Many think that they have to do good things as payment for salvation. It's all about Grace, not our works, so that no man can boast. As we do the will of God we seal our salvation, as long as we keep his word. We do whatever Holy Spirit asks us to do, and we do it in love.
Many have problems with speaking in tongues
I had problems with it too for about 30 years. I really did not see that speaking in tongues made any difference in my life UNTIL I started praying for people with the laying on of hands, in combination with praying in tongues. Wow! What a difference. After praying for only a few seconds I realized the incredible power that was inherited in the act. Certain words were extra strong, and made people fall over by the power of God, or be filled with the anointing in other ways. Praying in tongues is life changing!
Praying in tongues and prophesy in tongues are 2 entirely different things. You don't need any interpretation when just praying in tongues, even if there sometimes is a definite correspondence between the two. I do notice that I understand bits of what I’m saying from time to time as I pray, but not always. My oldest daughter sees visions when I pray in tongues, that explain what Holy Spirit is saying. A young girl that I had baptised a year ago, and I now was praying for – the other evening – had her first vision as she received the gift of speaking in tongues! God showed where she was “spiritually in her life” at the moment.
Prophesy in tongues. Don't be afraid to prophesy in church, if you feel a prophesy/word coming. I'm sure that there are people in the same room that have the interpretation. Some may not have the "nerve" to stand up, and share what the Holy Spirit urges them to say, but that's not your problem. Sometimes we get the interpretation ourselves, but at other times, the Lord speaks through other people.
An example: One of my sister's who has the gift of prophesy once received a prophesy in church, the Lord told her that He had also given it to 7 other persons, but they all refused to speak. After she had prophesied, all seven of them came up to her and confirmed that they had gotten the same prophesy. I guess most of them didn't dare speak for various reasons. "Fear of what people might think", is a common denominator. I believe that every single born again Christian who has received the Holy Spirit can and should speak in tongues, even if all don’t. Naturally nobody should force anybody to do so, not even God does that! Just because the Bible says that "not all speak in tongues", does NOT mean that all can't speak in tongues. It just means that not all do, that is what I believe.
The night after I had met the Lord for the first time, I met a guy who taught me how to speak in tongues. He told me (when we were in prayer) to just speak whatever comes out. So I started talking, what to me sounded kinda like gibberish. I did this for almost 30 years or so before I realized what a tremendous power there was in it! I actually have to speak the words I say, when I'm praying in tongues. Many get the words automatically without any effort, all they need to do is open their mouths and it comes out. Different strokes for different folks. There is very little information about speaking in tongues out there. Just try it, as you are in prayer "if" you are baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Photo © Benjamin Antell
I remember Derek Prince (the famous Bible Teacher) mention how he got the gift of speaking in tongues. As he was lying on his bed thinking about God etc. all of a sudden his tongue started bouncing about in his mouth, as he opened his mouth the words began to come out. Weird innit? The devil has copied speaking in tongues, as well as he has tried to copy and destroy everything else that the Lord is doing. So be aware that there is both real and fake speaking in tongues. If you know the Lord well, you will be able to tell which is real, and which is not. Don't be afraid to speak in tongues, it is a great blessing, and it will build you up in the Spirit, if you are close to God.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 634 - Aug/25/ AA 2009 South Wartzor
Have you checked to find out "if" God is real?
Photo © Benjamin Antell Or are you one of the less intelligent people, who have built their life on an intellectual idea? I didn't want to base my life on somebody's idea, so I prayed to Jesus that He would reveal Himself to me, as He promises to do in God's Word the Bible. And He did!
Now I don't have to spend my time at the library or excavating trash by: Dawkin's, Darwin, Hartikainen (the unknown Finn), Luigi Cascioli, Marquis de Sade, Jan Guillou, H. P. Lovecraft, J. D. Salinger, Che Guevara, Bruno Bauer, Simone de Beauvoir, Dawkins, Hawkins, Karl Marx, Aleister Crowley, Bertrand Russell, Bruce Lee, Arthur Schopenhauer, Douglas Adams, Phillip Adams, Napoleon, Muhammad, Tariq Ali, Woody Allen, Sir David Attenborough, Björk, André Breton and the rest of the confused secular thinkers.
(Added this 2022) I do sometimes listen to a man seeked by God, who is very wise, but know’s nothing about the Spirit of God as yet, probably much due to the fact that he is married to a Catholic: Jordan Peterson.
Photo © Benjamin Antell
The list could go on and on. Some of the mentioned men and women are very famous thinkers, musicians and writers, but their works are totally meaningless. The books they wrote were rubbish, and they themselves have gone to perdition (except for the ones still living, if you can call their lives living). I feel sorry for all the atheists and agnostics in the world, even though many of them are very unkind, even evil people sometimes. Many of them hate Christians and God, for no apparent reason. But then again, the Lord explains this to us partly in:
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].
Instead, I can get on with my new life in Christ and do what the Holy Spirit tells me to do. Interpretation doesn't enter into it, I hear Him clearly most of the time. I also get His words confirmed through others, or through miracles all the time. If He tells me that He will heal somebody through my prayers, then it happens. I have a wonderful life "spiritually". The problems of this world, that we all have to deal with, seem very small to me. God always has an answer to every problem.
Photo © Benjamin Antell
The atheists (or whatever those who know not God like to call themselves) mentioned above, will all end up in a horrible place called Hell, with all other people who refused to repent and believe in the Creator. They have all chosen to go there by their own free will, and they will be greatly disappointed! Every single soul who comes to Hell regrets it. Once you are there, it is too late. There is no escape, no means of changing sides after you have died. Think about it before it's too late, the Devil hates you, without Jesus Christ in your life you will go to Hell. I'm not saying this to frighten anybody, it is simply a matter of fact. An enemy of God is a slave to satan.
Painting © Benjamin Antell
Misery does not stop with Hell though. Many ministers teach us that Hell is the end as we know it, but it's not! After Hell there is the second death, if you thought the first one was terrible, wait 'til you have to plunge into the Lake of Fire, after you have been sentenced by the Lord (for your sins). There is no need to for "anybody" to go to Hell or the final Lake of Fire! Jesus did it in our place, when He died for each and every one of us. He took our sin upon Himself and died like a sinner in our place. Then He did what no man can ever do, He rose from Death with the keys to Hell and Death. This is why He can give us eternal life "if" we repent and ask for it. There is no alternative. Accept the gift Jesus is presenting you, or suffer in your sin. We all sin, any man who claims not to sin is a liar according to God.
Read the Book of John, or watch it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lchB_CEg5VI&t=7157s
Uncle Ben's WRITE 633 - Aug/22/ AA 2009 South Wartzor
Photo © Benjamin Antell
I often talk to atheists and/or devil worshippers of different kinds. It feels really weird when some of them say: "God does not exist". It's so unreal, God and I have speaks all through the day (every day). I have given Him full control over my life hopefully and He uses me all the time. I get to pray for and with people every day now, and it's great. Many get healed, baptised in the Spirt, receive tongues etc. They receive a new life that they knew nothing about! Anybody who repents and receives Jesus and the Holy Spirit can heal people in Jesus' name.
Photo © Benjamin Antell, Rock of Ages
Many wonder why I bounce around on my seat now and then. I can't help it, the Holy Spirit nudges me and when He does my body shakes. Sometimes a little, and at other times a lot. I can ask Holy Spirit to hold back the manifestation, but I don’t want too. Every time I pray with people it happens (I might ask God to hold it back if someone is afraid). It's getting harder and harder to pray with words, it seems to be a lot easier to pray in tongues. Anyway, God does His thing in the people that I pray for and that's the main thing, The Holy Spirit nudges me every single day. I could never doubt God because of our close relationship, it is impossible for me to doubt.
Tonight I will attend a Church where the Holy Spirit is allowed to do more! I go to different churches 2-3 times a week. I'd like to go every day, It's so cool to see God do His stuff. Sometimes I pray for people in the street, I should be doing that more often.
In the early church, everybody was an evangelist!
Photo © Benjamin Antell
That's how God wants us to be. He wants us to go out into the streets and tell people about Salvation through Jesus Christ, to heal the sick and baptize those that believe. It's pretty lame of us Christians to only go to church and have fun while millions of people suffer in the streets. We need to go out there and share our joy. Those of us who feel no joy in the Lord, need to spend more time with Him instead of fooling around with all kinds of secular nonsense. There's nothing wrong with hobbies, but when they take over the time that we need to spend with God they become detrimental to our soul.
Uncle Ben's WRITE 632 - Aug/18/ AA 2009 South Wartzor
People keep asking me "how" I got saved, here comes my story again: How I first met God.
Ben 1996 on MTV – “There’s a God in my garage”.
When I was 21 I wanted to know if there was more to life than 9-5. I read in the Bible that you need to get baptized when you come to believe, so I asked Dan the Man to baptize me. After this I was desperate to find out more, that I even went to a bible school, on a 4 week course for evangelists about to enter the ministry. I had no plans what so ever to become an evangelist, because I had not met God yet. I just thought, perhaps I could find out something more there. I was only looking for the meaning of life, everything was pretty hazy.
Anyway, nothing much happened at the bible school.
Photo © Benjamin Antell
I had given God an "ultimatum" though (don't know if you can do that, but I did). I'd prayed and told Him, that if nothing happens while I'm here, I will end my life because the world sucks. I didn't want to believe in some stupid theory. I had not talked to anybody about myself at bible school. We were a large number of strangers, and I didn't really know anybody there. On the last night some guys and gals from the school asked me over, just so we could say goodbye... When I was about to leave, totally crushed and disillusioned (inside), somebody said let's pray before we go. I certainly didn't feel much like praying, because I figured I had drawn a blank again. My mind was only set on recklessly putting an end to my boring life, since nothing interested me anymore. Anyway I had a seat while the others prayed, all of a sudden one of the girls started singing in an African language (she'd done so in school also and a missionary had recognized the language, he said that she sang fluently, she didn't know the language though, because she had never been to Africa)... – anyway, then she received the translation (from the Holy Spirit) in her own language, and it went something like this, "it is I the Lord and I am anointing you with My power", I instantly knew that it was "the Creator", and "ZAP" an enormous power hit my body!
Photo © Benjamin Antell
The power shocked me for a tenth of a second, since it was supernatural. But I quickly noticed that it was positive. It was electrifying somehow and felt like the most wonderful thing I had ever experienced (up to that time). I could not feel the chair that I was sitting in!!! I felt as if I was detached from my body, floating in the air on my back, like the astronauts do at take off. The power flowed through me continuously. Then I felt as if I was sitting in the lap of God and He actually hugged me physically! I had never ever felt true love before so I was amazed beyond belief. Because of His “hug”, I can never ever doubt Him again, once you're touched, doubt is impossible. I don't know how long I was under the Holy Spirits power, but when I opened my eyes the candles were out (to my big surprise) and the room was dark, except for a faint street light streaming through a window. As I closed my eyes again there was an intense light inside my head! I could feel the love of God, and now, I decided to follow Him for the rest of my days, come what may.
Holy Spirit confirmed the Bible to be God's Word, that Jesus is
the only Door to God, and that the Creator is the God of the
Bible. I also found out that all religions are created by satan.
God never intended for us to have "different"
denominations and churches. To God we are either followers of
Christ or antichrist. All eastern (and other) religions are of
satan, run by evil spirits. All other gods are demons and evil
spirits, and as such antichrist. Those who do not follow Jesus
will end up in Hell with satan and all his fallen angels (evil
spirits). After D-day, they will all be sent to the Lake of Fire
(the second death). I have experienced the Holy Spirit's power
every day since I got saved, but not always as incredibly strongly
though. Every time I pray for people by the laying on of hands,
they feel the power of the Holy Spirit coming out of my hand or
both hands, as in enters their bodies and heals them in different
ways (every week). Every single day for at least this last month,
I have been nudged by God like 50 times or more. I'm feel very
close to Him now (after all He lives in me), and I have never
known this deep happiness before.
Rom 10:17 So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Most people however, do feel a great sense of supernatural relief and peace, but that's just because we are all different. Everything starts with a prayer, then God sets the ball in motion. Read the New Testament Matthew 5 for starters. Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between links: INTERMISSION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uncle Ben's WRITE 631-PS- Aug/08/ AA 2009 South Wartzor
Photo © Benjamin Antell
This illustration is snatched from: Chick Publications click the link for the entire story.
People often ask me why there are so many different versions (translations) of the Bible. It's mostly due to copyright laws. For you to release a new translation, it has to be very different from the previous ones. That's why they differ so much. Then there are weird translation like the New King James Version etc. where verses are being omitted to fit the doctrines of certain groups who have infiltrated the "church". It would seem that the NIV is a pretty poor translation of the Word. Holy Spirit can help you as you pray and study the Word of God! He is our Teacher and Helper! You might try the Net Bible for starters: https://netbible.com/buy-now/net-bible-full-notes-edition/
Uncle Ben's WRITE 630- Aug/02/ AA 2009 South Wartzor
God is good!
Photo © Benjamin Antell
Mark 13:6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am [Christ]; and shall deceive many.
Photo © Benjamin Antell
Many claim that the Qur'an is a Holy Book, but it's not. It is completely Antichrist, and it's not peaceful at all. Mohammed clearly hated both Christians and Jews since they refused to accept his message, which was partly Catholic, since he was married to a Catholic before he married a child. I have read the Quran and found it very distasteful and racist. The Quran is totally against multiculture and preaches death to all non-muslims. God loves the Muslim people though, even though He hates religions. Religions are no good for anyone, it's the “relationship” with God that is important. – satan created all religions! Relationship with “I am Who I Am” (God) is only possible through the Son of God, Jesus Christ. In the Qur'an, Jesus is mentioned as a prophet or an apostle only, which is a blatant lie. There is salvation under no other name but Jesus Christ!
New Testament: Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Mohammed was not a prophet of God, he was just a man. Now he is dead, buried and will never be seen or heard anymore. Jesus Christ on the other hand, has risen from the dead! Through Him anybody on planet Earth can be saved!
1 John 2:12 I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS, I sometimes highlight words in the scriptures that I quote. Always check your own Bible to confirm God's word! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Photo © Benjamin Antell, “Foam home”.