London, UK Write 719, 29 August 2010

It's a shame that some people settle for "logic" only, when there is so much MORE to life!

Photo: Benjamin Antell
When you've welcomed Jesus Christ into your life, logic is no longer important.

God works outside logic all the time. People often ask me to prove to them that Jesus is real. For some reason they don't understand that they have to go to Him directly. Jesus wants to prove Himself to you, but He prefers to do it directly.

The times he proves Himself through others is when He works miracles through us who are willing to be used.
I see miracles very often.

The Creator Adonai has often told me to come to Him directly when I have been asking to learn new things.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
It's always best to go directly to the source. Sure people need intercession as well, but that's another story. God has so very much to give us, even more than He mentions in the Bible!

We are now living in the End Times, Christians are persecuted in many countries right now!

We are pretty much re-living the Dark Ages again. People are just as stupid now as ever, we never seem to learn.

God has foretold what will happen, all you have to do is read the Manual, the Bible, "if" you want to know what's going on. It's all there, even though the Bible is thousands of years old. It will always be up to date, until the end of time, as we know it.

We live in exciting times, just like in the days of Noah.

People buy and sell, live for their own pleasures, pottering about as if the world is going to last forever. Soon Jesus will return, logic or no logic, He is coming!

Will you be ready when He returns like a thief in the night?

Photo: Benjamin Antell
If you died tonight or tomorrow morning, would you go to Heaven?

Nobody gets there by simply being good! If you don't know Jesus, you will never see Heaven but you will see Hell.

Hell was not created for people, it was created for the evil one, his stars and fallen angels.

If you don't live for God and others, you will be worthless trash to God, and He always burns the rubbish (it's in the Bible).

Nobody has to go to Hell and later to the Lake of Fire to die a second death.

Every man or woman on our planet can welcome Jesus Christ into their lives today and be saved forever.

Don't let the devil get you!
Uncle Ben

See you on Facebook!


London, UK Write 719, 29 August 2010


Richard Dawkins is now doing exactly the same mistakes on TV that John Saffran did a few years back!

Photo: Benjamin Antell
I saw RD on TV the other night in a trailer for a commercial show, where he visits Psychics and Mediums and other occult practitioners. I guess he is looking for spiritual kicks, but with his disbelief I doubt that he will "knowingly" experience much...

He WILL no doubt get possessed by many evil spirits , even to a greater extent than before, just like Saffran did.

Almost all people have demons in their lives. It doesn't matter if we are Christians or whatever we call ourselves, evil spirits will try to mess with us.

Demons always cloud peoples judgment, they put up spiritual veils in peoples lives. Those who consult mediums etc are like Hoovers, they suck in demons like there was no tomorrow!

RD will become even more confused after showering in the occult dirt, than he ever was before. It will become increasingly harder for him to find God now, that's for sure.

Psychics and Mediums have nothing to do with God at all.

God warns us not to go to Psychics and Mediums because they will curse us in different ways, since they are directly under the influence of demons.

God wants us to come directly to Him with our questions, instead of going to the outcast often called the devil.

Mediums are lost people who should be working for God, but have missed the mark completely, and are now knowingly or not, working for the evil one!

Saffran was actually set free from his demons on TV!

I'm not sure if he actually changed his life around as proof that he really believes in Jesus. If he didn't, then he will in time be worse off than before.

Link: Wiki link

When demons return, they always return with even more demons, if we don't clean up our lives after being delivered.

As soon as we sin against God's will, the evil one, once again has our permission to mess with usWe give him permission to wreck our lives if we live in sin.

Don't mess with the occult!

Photo: Benjamin Antell
Don't read books or watch TV shows about the occult. If you feel attracted to the dark side, beware! I have set many free who have got themselves into trouble with demons by listening to evil music, read evil books or watched evil videos on youtube, the cinema or TV.

I know this will sound crazy for those who have no spiritual lives, but it is true.

A friend of mine and her neighbors borrowed books about aliens from a library. A while after aliens actually (evil spirits) started showing up in their homes...

You can't read about the occult like that without attracting demons. This is why it's very important to carefully choose what you read.

The girl is saved by Jesus now and as far as I know she still has peace in her life, and are no more aliens in her home.

Medication is no problem solver for people who are depressed or under the influence of evil spirits!

I have set people free who have been under medication. They no longer need to take their medicine now, and they are FINE! Jesus can set anybody free, who really wants to be set free. Some are instantly set free while others need intercession for years.

Those who do take medicine, all seem to have a spirit called Farmakeia as well, it seems to automatically come with heavy drugs of most any kind.

Strong medicine and other drugs open the doors to the evil spirit world.

You don't want to be a part of that because it is only for losers. The evil one is only a created being, and as such he is no match for the Creator Adonai the Lord. The evil one is a loser and will be discarded like dirt on D-day, stripped of all his former powers. His powers and beauty made him arrogant and proud, which led to his fall.

You have to WANT to be set free.

There is NO point in trying to set people free who actually want to  continue to stay under the influence of one or more evil spirits.

It's kind of weird how people always seem to leave Jesus for last.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
When people look for "the meaning of life", they normally check out the occult first. Many do so even without realizing that they are doing it. Many mediums claim to be talking to God and good spirits of every kind. The spirits they talk to however, are all evil.

There is no such thing as white magic, it's all from Hell.

Some mediums etc claim that there are good spirits around them, helpful spirits who want to do good. This is not true at all!

All spirits are evil except Holy Spirit and the angels of God.

To get to know them you must first welcome Jesus into your lives. Just ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and welcome Him to take over your entire life! That's a BIG secret, your whole life!

If you are in contact with spirits without knowing Jesus, beware!

There are myriads of fallen angels, stars, demons etc out there. Many of these spirits will try to trick you in different ways. They all have different assignments, basically they want to keep you from meeting Jesus Christ, and  from getting to know the personal PLAN that God has drawn up for your life before you were even born.

It's a wonderful plan, but you can't know it if you don't know Jesus and Holy Spirit in person!

You can't know Holy Spirit without knowing Jesus Christ in person!

I remember when Jesus introduced me to Holy Spirit, I was totally blown away, and I immediately decided to follow Christ. Like I've said a thousand times by now, I had no clue that Holy Spirit is a person. I'm so thankful for getting to know Him, He's been with me every day since 1975.

I also watched a few minutes of a show where the owner's of a hotel were doing a make-over.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
They were actually thinking of buying an occult Buddha statue for decorative purposes, not knowing that in doing so, they would be giving the evil spirit of Buddha authority in their hotel!

Ignorance is a death trap for many. Their lives will never be the same after they drag this hellish statue into their home.

The same applies for all foreign "so called" gods, amulets, ritual instruments etc.

If you drag a cursed idol into your home, expect to reap disaster, since you by this  give the spirit behind it authority in your home!  The demon's behind the objects will do all they can to wreck your life and perhaps even kill you in the end. Anyway their assignment is always destructive and pure evil.

I know these things because Holy Spirit has told me about them.

I often set people free from their demon's and destroy every single occult artifact that they bring me. In Jesus' name all curses related to demons can be broken if we ask for forgiveness and receive Jesus Christ, the son of God into our lives.

It's easy to do so, I help people with this all the time, almost daily when I'm in Finland. At the moment I'm in Luton, near London, and I've helped a few people so far. I will be here until October some time.

God is good.

I don't make a big thing out of setting people free from the demonic, it's just a natural part of any intercession (when I pray for people). Mostly demons leave so quietly that others in the services don't even notice anything.

But the ones who are set free normally find peace in their lives, and some of them even see the spirits as their power is completely broken and they are forced to leave in the name of Jesus.

When I pray for people, Holy Spirit tells me what I need to pray for.

I will help people freely with anything they ask of me during a service. I see many healings, both physical and spiritual. Jesus has asked all Christians to pray for the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead, so that is why I comply.

Jesus also tells us to share the Good News with everybody. This is why we need to also go out into the streets proclaiming His glory. Far from everybody is going to go to a church looking for God!

Don't let the devil get you!
Uncle Ben

See you on Facebook!


London, UK Write 718, 27 August 2010

The other day I cast out a few spirits again.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
I was praying for a girl with physical problems, all of a sudden Holy Spirit told me that she had a few spirits of witchcraft messing with her.

I asked her if she had read any occult books. She confessed to have read books on meditation and also the Qur'an when she was looking for God. She didn't at the time, realize that it was actually a sin to read such books. She knows better now.

I asked her to repent by asking God to forgive her, as I continued praying.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
She told me that as I prayed, she saw the Jin and Jang symbol melted away, she also saw the Qur'an burn up as the spirits left! The Qur'an is an occult book and it has absolutely nothing to do with God, since Allah is not God.

It's common that people who are being set free, actually see the demons or their symbols as they leave. I sometimes see the spirits myself, just before they leave.

God always forgives us, when we ask for forgiveness!

This is why it's good to repent as soon as we understand that we have done something wrong. It doesn't matter what the sin is, God always forgives us right away "if" we mean business, thanks to Jesus Christ who took all our sins upon Himself!

It is equally wrong to celebrate all pagan customs such as Halloween, Easter, dance around the May pole etc. These will always gather evil spirits, and mess up your life.

Be very careful which books you read, which records you listen to and what movies you watch. Every book, movie or CD which is not of Heaven is of the devil. That's just how it is.

I used to think that people who reasoned like I'm doing now were going too far.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
But now I understand that they were right and that I have been a fool in my younger days. Blind to the spiritually obvious.

The evil one will do "anything" to get a foot in your door, remember that...

PS. All Christians are supposed to cast out demons, heal the sick and raise the dead.
: if you don't know Holy Spirit in person, don't try to cast out demons, it is serious business and you might get badly hurt.

Don't let the devil get you! Uncle Ben

See you on Facebook!


London, UK Write 717, 26 August 2010

Life without God is like Hollywood.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
Nice facades here and there, but what do you see when you go behind the buildings on the movie sets? Nothing but rubbish and some timber holding up the façade. There is nothing inside, the buildings only have a front side.

Many people are like that, in fact most of society is like that.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
Most people don't have a foundation in life. They just potter about with no sense of direction, while others try desperately to become rich and famous. Some work hard at it, while others spend their money on the wheel of fortune.

I once knew a man who spent about a million bucks on the lottery etc. and never won anything but a few bucks now and then, which he quickly wasted on more tickets. If he had "saved" his money, he would have become rich.

He even sometimes prayed that God would help him win some money.

God doesn't need to engage Himself in Lotto, why would anybody think that? If we really need money, and live for the Lord, then I'm sure that He will help. After all, He has promised to do so. We just need to get our priorities straight.

Another important thing... God wants us to be generous, and He wants us to help others. We should be eager to help when He  tells us to give away things, our time and money. All we have belongs to the Lord anyway...

If we would all listen carefully to the Lord and help others, there many prayers would be answered! It's many times our fault that people don't get their prayers answered! God wants to use us, to help each other.

Very few take life seriously!

Photo: Benjamin Antell
No matter how we treat life and those around us, one day we will all stand face to face with the Creator. I want to be able to say "yes" when He asks me "if" I've learned to love. This is the most important commandment! We need to put God first in life, burn our own agenda, and try to love everybody around us with all our heart.

JESUS DIED for every single crook in the world, so why can't we let go, and just love on people?

We often forget that we can ask God anything. Whenever I remember, I also ask Him to help me, to really love the less lovable meanies that I happen across during the day. There are terrible people all over the place, but most of them will "come around" if we show them love instead of the opposition they are expecting.

I used to think that I didn't have time to listen to the birds.

But I do listen to them now. Isn't it strange how much the Lord has created just for our pleasure? When I look around, I'm in awe at the the energy He must have spent designing everything, just because He wanted to make the world a wonderful place for us. The fact that we are too evil to manage it is another question, but He did give us a good head start.

I love God.

I love Him for sending His son Jesus Christ to save us. It took me 21 years to find Jesus, I was so tangled up in myself that I didn't have time to really "listen".

When the penny finally dropped and I  got to meet Him, I was totally blown away by His love and mercy. I was also blow away to meet Holy Spirit, the Teacher that God has sent to each and every one of us who have decided to follow Jesus!

What would I do without Holy Spirit by my side?

Nothing I guess, because I had no sense of direction in life before Jesus introduced me to Him. It also took me a long time to get to know Him, because He is not pushy like normal trainers. He is very low keyed and hard to hear if I don't fully pay  attention.

So poor I can't pay attention!

That's how it "was" for me, I was so poor in spirit that my attention span was like that of a little baby's. I was only ready for the milk. A lot has happened since the "milky" days. Now I'm more aware of what's going on in the spirit world.

First I had to get to know God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Then I had to find out about the evil one and his evil agenda for the world. He has infiltrated the world like Australian termites infiltrate houses Down Under.

He keeps his little helpers busy with gnawing away the basic structure of, marriage, family, society since he himself only can be in one place at the time. We must remember that the evil one is only a created being, and as such, he is no match for the Creator.

He gets his way in this world by bribing lovers of money in high places, like the pharmasutical companies.

Book of Revelation 18:23 "...for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all nations were seduced by your sorceries (black magic), drugs.

I have a faint memory of hearing about a house in our neighborhood that disappeared one night.

It had been totally infested by termites and all of a sudden, one night,  there was a 'BOOM" and the only thing left on the ground in the morning was the metal sheets from the roof lying on the ground. The family who lived in it were away at the time.

That's how the evil spirits work, they infest people, to get them on the wrong track in life, so that God can't use them.

The prayers of our parents  can help us when we are lost.

Prayers are powerful tools. If people clean up their lives and start praying for those around them and their country, things will begin to happen. God is always waiting for our prayers, and our attention. He loves us all dearly.

Don't let the devil get you!
Uncle Ben

See you on Facebook!


London, UK Write 716, 22 August 2010

Photo: Benjamin Antell
Got to pray with some people today, wohooo!

It's always wonderful to see Holy Spirit at work in people's lives. God is setting people free from their pre-conceived ideas, their self-condemnation and fears. God is a loving God! Many don't seem to get that, some have been bashed in the head by "religious" people who don't know God from a woodpecker and try to work their way to Heaven just by following man made ritual.

Others have been led astray by "know-it-alls", atheist thinkers and evolutionists. Men who many times happen to be angry with God for their lousy upbringing, many times in cold "religious" homes.

This seems to be an explanation for "thinker" Dawkins hate for religion and Christians. He just doesn't seem to understand that religion in fact has nothing to do with God. People who haven't met God, always seem to assume that "believing in God" has something to do with religion, when it absolutely hasn't.

It is a relationship. Where you know someone, there is no need for faith, to know that you know the person.

I don't subscribe to any "religion" per se, all I have is a living relationship with God.

Just like I have a personal relationship with my wife. I don't have to "believe" in her existence since I know her. It's exactly the same with God and I. I don't have to "believe" in His existence  either since I  actually know Him in person!

This also goes for Jesus Christ His son, and for Holy Spirit whom Jesus presented to me, when I met God for the first time in 1975.

God doesn't want ritual, He just wants us to get to know him. Nothing is impossible to God, but he always needs us to work with Him.

It's weird how quick people  are  to attribute all supernatural things to the devil, or Aliens, while most don't seem to believe that God can do anything supernatural...

Jesus Christ is doing lots of miracles around the world now, and they are going to increase, thank God! I see miracles  mostly all the time, because I live close to God. I don't care about the world or what people think about this and that. I'm expecting to see a LOT more from God within a near future.

I hope I get a chance to pray for many more before I have to leave the UK in October.

God will use any Christian who makes himself available!

He wants all girls, boys and oldies (it's never too late) to follow in Jesus' footsteps. If we do, things will happen. If all the Christians in the UK would humble themselves and look for God's presence, God would heal the land in every way! This is a promise from God, so help me.

Don't let the devil get you!
Uncle Ben

See you on Facebook!


London, UK Write 715, 19-20 August 2010

Greetings from London.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
In case you are wondering about the layout...I don't have any good software for my MacBook pro yet, and I don't  write code  anymore, it's too boring and time consuming...when I get back home in October we will see...

Just watching a 52" Samsung TV, I guess soon we will have dividing walls of TV screens. I'm not really paying much attention to what's going on in TV-land but people look very serious as they talk about their works as if they were important.

What's important about being able to play scales fast on a musical instrument, will it give you eternal life?

Photo: Benjamin Antell
What's important about football, a fighting match, limited knowledge about fossils, limited knowledge about determining the age of the planet, driving your car at high speeds just for the fun of it?

People are often very proud of the petty things which they achieve in life, but what good are they to anybody? Most people egoistically only live for money, pleasure and/or power.

What good is following the lusts of the flesh?

Photo: Benjamin Antell
Some people feed their cravings (or demons) like there was no tomorrow, and in their case there will be no tomorrow., unless they change and welcome Jesus into their lives.

Some throw away their lives on lustful momentary feelings.

Many are held prisoners by their mirrors, or in their minds, and they only think about themselves, how they look, and what they are going to do to fill the void in their empty lives.

There is a void in our lives planted there by God, because He wants us to have a personal relationship with Him! He wants us to look for Him and see that He is the real deal.

God has given us a manual to live by called the Bible. If we read (a good translation) while in prayer, His Holy Spirit will guide us and help us to understand the writing on the wall.

The Old Testament was given to the Jew, the New Testament of Jesus is love!

Think about that as you study. It is best to start with the New Testament, John for instance when reading God's Word.

And yes, it is God's Word, no man has written it. Sure it was penned by men but the words came directly from God, just like prophesy does.

If we learn to love each other and God first, then we fulfill the Law as it were! Love is the most important thing.

Most people don't know that God actually wrote the commandments by his own hand!

Most of the things that we do on a daily basis are meaningless nonsense.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
If you work with something that the Lord hasn't called you to do, you are simply a "waste of space", even if you are doing seemingly "nice" things.

I used to be a waste of space working in marketing, which was a total waste of time. In some areas of my life I let myself be pushed around by other "people" instead of the Lord…silly me. We all make our detours in life, but remember, all the time we are only a prayer away from the u-turn from the right path!

It's never too late to make a U-turn for God.

We must run to God and not away from Him, when we are found out. Forgiveness is there all the time, just for the asking! Wohooo!

Woohoo! I was successful in what I was doing, working for many major corporations even internationally, but I hated every single minute of it.

Sure money was coming in and I got to travel, but in my spirit I was miserable. I tried to do as much artistic work as I could on the side, holding art exhibitions etc.

Many say, "but we need money to live".

Photo: Benjamin Antell
So what, don't you think that the Lord will take care of the ones He calls?

I've never doubted Him even for a second, and I never will. I've never had to starve since meeting the Lord, and the things I used to wish for don't interest me any more. I don't have any hobbies, I don't even have time to have hobbies and I don't really miss them.

I'm basically the happiest man in the world, since I've given up all the nonsense that others wanted me to do.

I'm not making a whole lot of money, but I'm doing the Lord's will and that's what is important to me. I don't live for money, far from it. After working in marketing for over 20 years I have come to loathe doing business.

I'm very excited about what the Lord is doing in people as I intercede for others, cast out evil spirits and heal the sick, just like Jesus commanded all Christians to do! 

The anointing over my life is slowly increasing as I continue to obey the Father. I'm constantly on stand-by just in case the Lord calls.

Some people believe that it is impossible to see Jesus.

Photo: Benjamin Antell
This is nonsense, I often see Him.

It's just as exciting every time. Holy Spirit whack's me every single day, so there is never a dull moment. Many people don't understand what's happening to me when God's power hits my body and makes it jerk a little.

Some are afraid, in cases like that I sometimes ask Holy Spirit to hold it back. It would seem that most people don't understand that God can and will touch us in different ways if we surrender to Him completely! Not even "so called" Christians understand what's going on most of the time!

When you "press in" and wish for encounters with God, things will begin to happen.

A lot happens in my life all the time, and I really don't care what people think. Life is too short to worry about others opinions. Besides worry does not belong in the kingdom of God.

The preacher X says that opinions are like arm pits, everybody has them and many of them stink.

Just like Jesus, I am sad in my spirit that the church (the body of Christ),  seems to be bickering about religious matters and stupid rituals most of the time. I'm sad because I know that nothing will work properly in the spirit world until we learn to love the Lord AND our brothers and sisters.

God commands us to love each other.

If we for some reason can't love, then we can ask the Lord to help us love! Holy Spirit will come and bless us if we wholeheartedly do this. God is love, and He is willing to forgive us anything we regret, the very second that we pray.

We must not fish in the pond of forgiveness, just let the rubbish sink in the mire.

God has also promised to "forget" about our sins for which we have asked forgiveness. He will never bring them up again, that's why it's imperative, that we ourselves never bring them up again.

They are at the foot of the cross, paid for in full by Lord Jesus Christ, who took them on himself!

You are wonderful in the eyes of the Lord!

Photo: Benjamin Antell
God has a wonderful plan for your life. If you will stop what you are doing and welcome Jesus into your life, and let him show you direction. He will do it!

There is really nothing in this world which can't be forgiven! Jesus has died for ALL our sins, and we can walk off scot free if we welcome Him into our lives.

Who is going to help us on our new walk?

When Jesus went home to be with the Father, He sent us a wonderful Helper called Holy Spirit. He is also called the Spirit of Truth, He will mentor us and do wonderful miracles through us, in Jesus' name, if we let Him. Nobody can do your part, we are all different and important to the Lord.

He needs every single one of us, in His strange plan to save us.

We are all like pieces in a giant jigsaw puzzle, we just need to find out which piece we represent so that we can fill our space in the body of Christ! Even if one piece is missing, the whole picture suffers.

Welcome Jesus, take your place in the puzzle and experience the true bliss that the Lord has in store for you.

Forgive everybody what they have done unto you, it's not important!

If people have been nasty to you, it's not your problem but theirs, forgive them freely, just as Christ is forgiving you. Get on with your life, but this time do it right with Jesus as your Captain…you can't go wrong with Jesus.

Don't let the devil get you!
Uncle Ben

See you on Facebook!