ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW WRITE 800 • March 18 • 2014 Finland.

I travel a lot now for the Lord. Naturally I have always travelled a lot in the past, but now I am doing it only for a specific reason, to heal the sick, impart gifts and set people free from demonic opression. Sometimes I also play guitar and sing, it all depends on what Holy Spirit wants me to do.

Eric Bibb and I, some years ago (I can't call it).
Music and art used to be my main interests in life although I have also dabbled quite a bit in electronics and studying science just for fun.
In 2009 however all my former interests went up in smoke, now I only focus on what God wants, and I am absolutely having a ball. Not many people understand what is going on inside me, but I am constantly "in the Spirit", I feel almost as if I am on a boat 24/7. It's hard for me to explain it, all I can say is that it is wonderful and the presence of God is constantly over me. I daily feel his tangible presence since 2009.
"all or nothing"
Anyone can get to know the Lord Jesus Christ, if they truly want to. The key is that "it's all or nothing"... No compromise is possible. Either we are in 100% or God will spew us out if we are luke warm. Once I got "in" as it were, I was surprized to find that I gained everything and miss absolutely nothing of the old junk that I held dear. All the old stuff is just rubbish compared with the blessing of God!
Ola Sweden!
A girl from Sweden came to see me for prayer in Vasa where I was holding meetings in the summer 2012. As I held her hand briefly and the power of God went through her body and healed her from whiplash pain from a car accident (chronic pain for 8 years) and Crohns disease. She also wanted to be baptized, so we went to a beach nearby. It is very common the people want to get baptized at my meetings. I do it right away, so that they can get on with their new lives right immediately.

Water baptism, Finland 201
Because of that healing, I am now going to Sweden for the seventh time to pray for people! I have also ended up going to Jerusalem, Israel because of this episode!

Jerusalem 2013
When we do the Lord's work it's like a Domino thing leads to another. Naturally her relatives also wanted prayer and I ended up baptising 9 latinos in Norrköping. Some of them came all the way from Gothenburg.
I am going back to Sweden now...again, to pray for people and only God knows what will happen and exactly where He will send me. I travel on one-way tickets because I have no idea what God wants me to do there. I only know that it will be very fulfilling and it will bless many, including myself.

Victory Bibelcenter, Linköping 2012?
Some meanies claim that I charge for my services, but I never ask for money, God takes care of me, for which I am grateful. He will do that for anyone who does His will, and doesn't follow their own ambitions or their own silly dreams. I will probably be away for 3-4 weeks, but I don't know how long for sure.
I want to go wherever the Father sends me!
However small the task, it don't make me no never mind! I just want to serve. I want to honor the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit and I welcome the Father's angels to assist me in any way they can! I have some angels that go with me wherever I go. Some people with discernment can actually see them.
About angels
Heb 1:14 Are they (the angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
Take care until I log on again, Love Ben
Don't let the devil, tradition and religion fool you, stay away from the occult: Yoga, religions, martial arts and meditation, Uncle Ben